I have always been a quiet person, according to my mother, I hardly ever cried as a baby. The quiet baby grew into a quiet child. Being quiet was mistaken by teachers as being well behaved which got me a lot of positive reinforcement, I liked being singled out for being a "good" kid and I went to school where that was rewarded. I wasn't really quiet to be good, I was quiet because I was always scared of what would happen if I wasn't "good". I thought for sure my whole life would be ruined if I was ever in trouble at school, no good high school would accept me and I could kiss college good bye. So I stayed quiet. I was quiet in highs school which was much bigger and less rewarding of silence, I realized that I was not going to stand out this way in such a loud environment but it was too late, I was the quiet one and I couldn't change that anymore than I could change my height. I was practically invisible in college. I commuted to school which made it that much harder to find friends but I doubt that staying in the dorms would have changed anything for me. We had to spend a weekend in the dorms prior to starting our classes in order to sit for some exams and at the end of my weekend, one of the team leaders for my group wrote a note remarking at how quiet I was. It was far from the only time my quietness has been mentioned, I always wonder if people think that they are pointing out something new to me. Do they think that they are unlocking some deep secret that is going to change me? It also makes me wonder if my quietness bothers people and just causes me to retreat even more.
It's probably not quiet though, right? It's being shy. Being shy to the point that there are days I go without speaking to anyone. It's led me to be a 46 year old with no friends. A few years ago I even tried to ask some of my old school friends who I found on Facebook if they wanted my phone number seeing as how many of us still lived close to each other and no one answered me. I don't go there anymore. It's hard to see them with their multitude of friends and their beautiful homes and endlessly wonder how I failed myself so much that I'm spending more time in bed than I do out of it. Suicide creeps around my head because how could it not, I have nothing else in there to keep it at bay. We are supposed to fill our lives with people and experiences and I have managed to do neither. I've torn up pictures of myself as a kid because I can't look at her, I failed her so many times she deserves so much better. She was a good kid, a little quiet that's all.
I've never been vulnerable in front of someone who was not my mother. Never cried in front of anyone who's not my mother. Not having friends will do that to you. I'm incapable of talking about myself so I can't go to talk therapy, the idea of it terrifies me, and before you say that it has to be better than what I am going through now, here's the thing: I know I can do this, I've been this way my whole life. I can't stand the thought of a person seeing me cry or actually hear me say these things. I could write them, sure, I could do this all day but I'll never say them out loud.
I can't, I'm too quiet.