It is too difficult for me accept that my anxiety sometimes gets worse because I have to deal with a intense attitude of my kid. I have not being my self for long time. I couldn't even take care of myself. Sometimes I don't want to eat. I try to do at least one shore in my home because I don't have energy or motivation to do something.
When I work, my kid is in school. After that he is with the nanny who feeds him and takes care of him. So I take advantage of it.
But when we are at home I can't deal with his bad attitude. He gets mad very easy and for everything. He argues with me for everything. When I send him to shower, when I send him to brush his teeth or when I remember him that he has responsibilities to do, he gets mad and argue. I do the best I can do, but every minute that passes I get more anxious and I can't do anything.
He has ADHD and anxiety so I know that sometimes is some kind of normal how he behaves.
I try to handle him but everytime that something like that happen my strength gets weak, my anxiety gets worse and I get frustrated. After that I prefer no to do a bigger problem so I let my kid to do what he wants.
Then I feel guilty because I know that by doing this, it means that I can't do a good job as a mother.
I do not know how to do it. I do not have the emotional strength to handle it. 2 years ago, this was easier because my mind was in good shape. But when anxiety and depression got me, everything changed. I feel sad.
How do you do? Does someone of you have an advice.?