Hey there! I haven't been on here in awhile, I'm really sorry about that. I just have been dealing with a lot of stress,anxiety and feeling hopeless at times. After 5 long months! Me and my brother finally moved into our new place and moved out from our mom's house. It really was a very,very,very stressful experience. I would explain it all but it would take all day literally to write all the details. Me and my brother have broken down and felt hopeless so many times over 5 months. But we are here in our new house! There are more and new challenges to face! But with God we can do it! I pray that you all have your prayers answered, I pray that you all hold onto hope in God. Don't give up! I know easier said than done but I'm praying for everyone! I actually really do!
God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!