60s music playing,you tube,felt fearful at not having improved,towards meeting others now that im an oldie/goldie,songs that still make me feel both sad and good,worried about my health and the lonely feelings that have been part of me since i was a teenager;lifes too short,you say,I know,and I feel sad I have wasted the biggest part of it worrying both healthwise and lack of social life-low self esteem ,no family support----my sexuality played a part in my guilty feelings never being myself as well as mild personality disorder-Im still pushing towards a happier note,IM someone with compassion and empathy-and im not going to give up striving towards helping others-----im trying and crying inwardly ,help me if you can -im sure there are manyof you who are despairing oron the verge of given up-lets try and help one another -sorry to sound so low,but certain things such as feeling stressed everyday and trying to paint livingroom ect......sending out a special message to those of you in the same frame of mind-last year i was a wreck ,and couldnt find any comfort or joy,,today im still trying to keep going...........
feeling nostalgic,andsomewhat depressed - Anxiety and Depre...
feeling nostalgic,andsomewhat depressed

Sorry sorry to read how bad you are feeling.
Hang on in there, you will make it.
My thoughts and best wishes are with you.
thank-youKim,hope you are well at this particular time of yearx
Yes I am good thanks. Am fine with the Holidays even though it is sometimes just me and my partner. We have a lovely day, tree presents etc. I do not see the need to invite or go to visit relatives unless they are people who are important to us.
We are going to our daughter and son in law this year which will be lovely.
Stockings for their cats etc.
Are you completely alone on the day or will you have someone.
I think if I was alone I might go and help at a homeless shelter, serving Christmas dinner etc. It can help to feel you are doing something to help others. After that I would go home contented to be alone and able to choose whatever I want to watch on telly and whatever I want to eat etc.
It is possible to be even more alone if you are with people who are not understanding or sympathetic.
My very best wishes
Please feel free to message me anytime if it helps at all. I live hearing about everyone's very different lives in different countries, in particular gardens nature wildlife and scenery. I am Uk, where abouts are you?
lorianxiety, I completely understand where you are coming from being a golden oldie myself. Not trying to paint the living room yet but I think it would help to cheer this start white place up and maybe help my own depression :). Keep reaching out - both to seek and to help others in the healing path; I believe this is the way Jesus would have us behave and I believe that it helps alleviate the blues, depression, personality disorders, trauma, etc. I am praying for all of us in this boat - the holidays never make it any easier. Bless you, dear one, bless you.
Dottielucy,thankyou from the bottom of my heart,yes when we are troubled as most of us feel at some point from one day to the next,yet we know that our spirits can be lifted by just expressing our feelings on here,,and with the help of God almighty we can tackle anything.....dont let the negative thoughts pull us apart ,but dwell on good feelings and build on a lovely scene or just a good deed helps us to feel better,we all need to care and love one another more,wish my family shared /cared instead of seeing which ones right and everyone else is wrong...its hard to keep goodness in our hearts when such vile dealings are so predictable-i would rather be out on a limb ,than be beholden to them --sorry for the rant,hope you are feeling better and only God knows our innermost thoughts feelings.goodnight and God bless you always.......