As you may or may not know, I spend much time on this site trying help as many people as I can. Sometimes though I have low days too. Today I accidentally insulted someone on this site (twice actually) and I failed to find the words to help one of my best friends on here. The problem is, us guys need someone to hold us and be strong for us too. If we are afraid to admit that then we are fools. I get an overwhelming feeling of loneliness every once in awhile because I don't have a significant other in my life. I don't know what to do about it either. It passes after awhile but, I'm not very good company or of much use to others while I feel so....alone....
Feeling A Little Depressed: As you may... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling A Little Depressed

I know that feeling to. Not having a significant other.
JEG325, I feel bad that you are beating yourself down over what you considered an insult. I read the post and responses and didn't see that at all. I know what it's like to not be able to forgive ourselves that the thought keeps playing over and over in our heads.
You're a good person. You are a credible addition to our virtual family of support.
It's nice to want to be that strong person who helps everyone but you have to realize that
you too are human and being human means you need to reach out at time as well. I hear you. Feeling alone is very common with persons struggling with mental health issues.
I'm so glad you turned to the forum tonight rather than hold this in. I'm here for you as well as others who understand what that emotional pain feels like.
Breathe deeply my friend and exhale slow and long to release the stress you feel.
Sending you a hug to let you know I care. You are never alone on this site. x
That brought tears to my eyes, Agora1. I want to be there for everyone, even when I'm feeling down. And yes, I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD & panic attacks. But, 80% of the time I'm okay as long as I eat well, take my holistic meds & sleep well. It irks me considerably when I fail to find the right words for people I'm trying to help. I made up with the....girl I insulted. But, I could feel an attack of depression coming on anyway. The whole thing would have never bothered me on a 'normal' day. Not being good company for my friend would bother me at anytime. She depends on me to be strong for her and help her work through her problems all day, everday. 90%+ of the time I'm quite effective at helping her. But tonight just wasn't a good time for me. What's she supposed to do though? I guess that's a little like venting.....Sorry.
Never have to say "you're sorry". I feel a lot like you as well. But I've learned in the last 3 years that I've been on this forum, that I can't help someone else on the days that I need help myself. And so I back off for a while, to regenerate. People on this site do understand. I know that I need to give myself some "me time" which I do everyday
in the afternoon by quietly meditating and deep breathing in as little as 10 minutes, I can be put in a better mental state.
I will admit that I've never suffered from depression. But I do know that our chemical makeup is the same for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD etc. We are good people with hearts of gold. We give and give, are hard on ourselves and tend to crumble if we feel
we couldn't be there for someone. Life goes on, with or without us. There are so many caring people on this forum that it's okay to step back and take care of ourselves.
I wish you a better day tomorrow. Maybe after a good night's rest, you will feel better.
Goodnight JEG, I'm signing off for tonight. It's been a long day. Sleep well zzzzz
Hello, I haven't been here in quite some time to do expenses and not being able to pay my Internet bill I had to cancel it but I've got it back now.
I definitely know how you feel j e g I live alone myself and sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a matchbox and sometimes I feel so lonely and empty all I want to do is crawl in my bed and sleep I know that's not a positive response to depression but it's all I got I hate being alone and I really hate being lonely no one to talk to no one to hug no one to understand that yeah okay showing signs of a depression hitting what can I do to help her
I'm in a really bad phase right now so far it's been going on about 5 days I can't stop crying and I can't stop my mind from racing I'm hungry but I don't want to eat I'm just nibbling enough to get by and then I feel like I'm going to throw up so whoever said that emotional problems don't flow over to physical is a fool.
I just wanted you to know that you're not alone I know those words are used a lot but they mean something to all of us.
The part about not having someone to hug (or to hug you), strikes deep within my heart. I know that if I had a significant other to share things with and to hold each other, I would be better. I would be more motivated to do everything. Part of the reason I lack drive to go forward is because I need someone to push me forward (motivate me), someone that I love and want to try hard for. I had that in my beloved counselor Moriah but, I don't have her anymore. Suprisingly, I'm eating and sleeping better in my new place, yet emotionally I feel worse. Physically I'm better but, I don't feel like doing anything with it. Hope that makes sense. Also hope I'm not making you fell worse. Thanks for weighing in.
I feel the same way.
I'm always here to listen too. Since we feel quite a bit alike, I'll bet we could help each other out. Contact me whenever you want.
Thanks and same goes for you anytime you need to vent. I'm here!
Good. Because every once in awhile I will let loose. I need to. I mean a 4 or 5 paragraph blast! You may also blast away when needed. Maybe we can burn out our negative feelings. We'll see.
Please do! Sometimes things are too much to keep bottled in.
I have a very bad history of bottling things up. I was going to do it today. But, I finally couldn't take it anymore. I had to say something or bust. The problem with the person I originally insulted came when I let out a blast concerning what she was talking about. But her post was supposed to be funny, not serious. But, being in a bad mood I completely missed that. I mean I thought she was being funny and serious both. Apparently she was only being funny. My blast, at big business, not her, was a warning sign of the pressure building up in me. But, I'm teling you I have never missed someones point that badly ever. I knew I was gonna have a bad evening then. So, I promptly got on here and posted my feelings. I knew talking to people would help and I knew I would find 1 or more persons who felt exactly like I do....See what I mean about the venting?
I totally get it. Venting is good. I'm a bottler up of feeling myself. Been doing it my whole life. Even now when I know how much better it is to let it out. I still keep it in. My mindset is still on not burdening others. It's tough to let go of old habits. I try to put on that happy face and pretend all is honky dorey but on the inside it's killing me.
I'm sure that person understands what happened. miss understandings happen. like agora said sometimes you need to take some time for yourself. Recharge a bit and then continue to do what you do. I disappear at times just because I struggle everyday. I wanna help others to but seeing how many people are hurting just breaks my heart and sometimes is to much for me. I'm grateful for you and all the people here!
Keep up the good fight. I know about the acting when you're not really feeling good. I'm especially good at it. My former counselor Moriah warned me to only put in a maximum of 5 bours per day. One day I spent 14 hours on this site. A recipe for eventual disaster. But, I'll fight it and win because I'm a stubborn sob! You will beat it too. I have 100% faith in you!!
Thanks I appreciate that so much! It's nice knowing there's kind people in the world! You keep up the fight to! I have 100% faith in you as well!! Hugs my friend!!
I'm so sad for you. You help so many of us, I think we see you as invincible. You've helped me so much. Now some of your advice back at you. Forgive yourself for being human. I figure the ones you tried to help will surely accept an apology from you for your misstep. And, the friend will look at a lapse in wordsmithing as a minor inconsistency from your usual insight. So, the only one left to forgive yourself is yourself. I know, that is the hardest! You are so worthy of forgiveness, though, one of the most worthy ones I know.
Sleep well. dear one, you have many of us with you
Thank you, I will cherish those words from you, one of my best friends out here. I will be back and better than ever. But the strong, loving side of me doesn't like weakness. When you say you feel so sad for me because I'm not invincible, I will take that as a challenge. I'm as invincible as I wanna be. I must have forgotten that. I can be strong for everyone else and by golly I will be too!!!
I WILL! (Thanks for the reminder that I am as strong as I allow myself to be.)
Well, we all need a break sometimes. Maybe this was your mind and body saying 'Now is the time'. A bit of meditation may be due now. It's incredible just how strong you are!
I don't see it as weakness when a strong person realizes they need to back off a little. To me, that is a strong person's real strength!
Keep up the good work, when you can. So many of us identify with what you are going through.
I would do that just for you. But, try as I might, I can't shake off this feeling of gloom and repressed anxiety. I feel like I need to be out in the sun for awhile just to remind myself that I am alive. But, this is the second day in a row of all day clouds and rain. There is no sun. (Well you shine pretty brightly).
It's really reflection of you. If Vitamin D is an issue, I suggest you get a 'full spectrum' light bulb for where you spend the most time. We did this in our office starting in 1987, and our clients were usually up-beat. Mind you, we did taxes. Clients aren't usually up-beat with their tax preparer. But, we enjoyed going to work and our clients enjoyed coming to us. Full spectrum lights let the body make Vitamin when you have to be out of the sun. We now have them in all lamps in the house, as well as at work stations in the kitchen and hobby areas. Since I have a fear of being outside, these keep me from having a Vitamin D deficiency. Try them, you'll like them!
Damn girl, i'll look into that right away. My D level was so low, it as almost non existent. I take 7,500iu per day but, have a feeling that might not be enough. So, a full spectrum light sounds like a good idea. I tend to be extra depressed and gloomy in the winter. Maybe those lights will help that too. You are brilliant as well as a sweet, loving person!
You are not alone. I’m feeling pretty down too. I truely want to be here for you my beautiful friend. Always. I’m so sorry you are suffering. You help so many and are so appriciated. Do something nice for yourself please? 💜 ♥️ ❤️
The nicest thing in my life is when my closest friend talks to me. I wanna be there for her too. I will always talk out my troubles with you if, especially if you talk out your troubles with me. I'm never happier than when I know you are still in my life.
You’ve lifted me up and my heart thanks you. Thanks for being you and for your friendship. How are you doing now? I hope you are well beautiful soul.
Sending alll the positive vibes to you!!!!! You have always been a light on here for me! Sometimes when we type things out they may appear different then we meant. I highly doubt what you wrote was offensive. Hoping your day is going better today!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I think that person you “insulted” 🙄 is a troll or something. All her posts come off as funny. The titles alone are oddly sarcastic. God forbid you made a mistake! What she responded to you was kind of strange and soooo not necessary. I had a weird feeling about her before this. Please don’t take it seriously. We all love you! We’re a team and we got your back!! 😘
Yeah, I wondered about that too. In fact, my first thought was that she might be a troll. Her response was weird. But, I could feel a wave of depression coming on anyway. I think, in part, because it's been raining a ot here and I haven't been able to get out into the sun. I love the sun and it loves me. I don't know what else to think. It's been awhile since I had one of these spells. I focus so much of my life's energy into trying to help other people, brighten their day & motivate them that when an attack hits me I don't know what to do about it. Vit D is my anti-depression/anti-anxiety pill & combined with sun usually works quite well. She hit me at a low spot and the double whammy actually hurt me some. There are some comments I'd like to make to you on my pm, if you would let me. I feel I can say what I need to to you in private. Okay?
No matter what, we don’t do that to anyone on here. She was so rude and mean. We are sensitive to hurting others because we know what it’s like to hurt. I could never ignore someone who literally apologized three times expressing how upset they were about it. You did nothing wrong. I’m so sorry you feel down. You help so many people and you deserve to be listened to as well.
Thanks so much, your fierce support of me means everything. I just wanted to talk yesterday. My original response to her was the form of my venting some. I needed to let off some steam and launching an attack at big business seemed to be a way to do. Still ned some venting time. You have quickly become one of my best friends on this site. Starrlight is my BFF but, you're right up there. I'm gonna go in search of somewhere private where I can let loose with about 5 or 6 paragraphs of inner turmoil and frustration. Thanks for your patience.
Sleep well..we are all in this here for you..

That part was for last night. I just woke a little while ago. I didn't sleep well, in fact. But, your love and support means everything to me. An extra kazillion vibes of peace, happiness and love to you, ellinaki.
If only you knew how much you mean to it's my turn to sleep..2.45am here in Melbourne,, happiness and love to you too!

You see! I missed that too! It occured to me but, I ignored it. Man, I am not with it right now. It's 11:45am here. Sleep especially well, my sweet and loving friend. I'm sending you a special wave of 10 kazillion warm, loving hugs to keep you safe, warm & protected!
I can relate 100%. I have friends, but don't reach out to them in the same way. Sometimes not having someone to tell something little to is the most lonely.
I hear you man. I am in a relationship currently with a woman who struggles with depression as well. Currently she is in a really bad place and I am having to practice a lot of self-care and I suck at it. Yes, guys too need a shoulder to cry on sometimes. I hope you keep pushing through and if you ever need to talk let me know.
😔 aww just saw this post , how are you feeling now my friend?
We all have bad days it’s okay x and I do believe there’s someone out there for everyone x and if it’s not a significant other ... it may be a friend or someone who we can lean on from time to time x
You’ll always have us .
You’re one of the sweetest people on here x whoever you find will be lucky to have you by their side!

Hope I just responded to your post about going back to school. Read those posts. The feeling is mutual.