is there anyone out there that suspects theres something wrong with them but cant consult GPdoctor as he seems to be treat me like I only exist as an elderly person with no brain,he prescribed water pill without consulting me----as my blood pressure was high ...Im also worried in case my adrenalin is low neverever thought about it before but quite worried ,does anyone know symptoms if deficient ;experiencing ,various things,like feeling skin hot some places and colder in others--,more sweating on brow an back though not profuse.....please help if you can.
depressed and anxious: is there anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
depressed and anxious

hi wat are water pills is that for water retention.
its just when I seen water pill it got me thinking about a relative just wasn't sure what it was for.
Oh yes I get this too. It's usually middle aged male doctors who treat me like I am an elderly woman seeking attention, despite me only going when I am dying! I solved this by only seeing female doctors or young men. I find they are generally the best and don't treat me like this. x
thank the Lord for that,i don't usually voice my opinion,but when I moved to a new gp practice about a year ago this 30oddyears,started to wean me off diazepam ,basically I was so stressed I couldn't even remember what he looked like and hes still treating me as a dotty elderly as I could hardly string a sentence together and im still struggling with virtually no diazepam and considering I was on 5mg for around 30 years,perhaps longer,id love to meet a gp who could help;but its not happening,and its the case with physical problems to,the gp thinks its generalised anxiety disorder,.im still keyed up as I type its affected my memory,concentration and over indulgent with sweet stuff as im trying to recover from feelings that only Dr.Claire WEeks describes so well in her book essential help for your nerves,sorry to ramble on and on the other hand id be interested to hear of any other incidents-----STRESS-KILLS-and that's how it could end if I don't get a life and that's not silly Gps fault-well it is partly-think im going off my head-----sad thing is I am older and prided myself on emotional intelligence--now im somewhat broken and need to soldier on .sorry to have vented so much,hope you are well.
Yes that's another thing - I have found when you have a mental health 'label' they put everything down to this. I had a friend in her 50's who was very ill and the middle aged male doctor just told her to go home and rest. She nearly died!
My mother always told me that women past a certain age become 'invisible'. I have found her to be dead right. I counter this by being loud so I can't be ignored and treated like an 'dotty old lady'.
I well remember a male doctor arguing with me when I told him I was allergic to penicillan as 'it wasn't on my records'. It took me ages to get them to put it on and meanwhile he gave me a prescription for amoxocillan! Fortunately I checked it first and took it straight back to demand another antiobiotic instead. Idiot! x
Well done dotty or not we are each individuals ,in our own right and should be treated as such,;theres a programme in the UKch5 Gps and there everyday patients--whatever age are all respected and the job done for each person think the surgerys in London(Maudsley)whatever,but each patient gets proper attention,and referred to the proper source for treatment...I have seen loads of the series.and whyon earth cant they all run just like that one-seeing is believing!