I have no motivation to do anything anymore. i feel weak and uninterested in things that used to interest me before. I get angry and upset when i think about it because my anxiety reminds me of it everyday when i wake up...its tiring and exhausting. i want to help my self get better because i know i’m not alone but somehow it feels like i am. The more i try to control my thoughts and feelings the more i feel it getting worse. I feel that it’s at a point where it’s hurting me physically and i do see that as red flag but for some reason i just can’t get my self to get the help i need. especially during these times that we are going through. I’m sorry for this but i hope i’m not alone...If you got to this part Thank you for reading ❤️ If there’s anything you guys can suggest for me to help me get through this in a different way please share your thoughts with me. it’ll be so helpful and assuring to me.
Tired of feeling the way i do :/ - Anxiety and Depre...
Tired of feeling the way i do :/

You are not alone. I have been struggling with motivation myself. I have been working from home and it is hard. Depression (or the medication) seems to zap my energy. Fighting negative thoughts has also been hard for me. I have to keep myself occupied to keep those thoughts at bay.
Thank you so much for this, i will try to keep my self occupied like u said maybe that’ll get my head off things for a bit since all i do is listen to my anxiety but Thank you again ❤️
If your meds are zapping your energy, you might need to ask your doctor to change your meds.
Yes my mom also fell like this condition after my Dada expired.
I am very carefull about my mom and daily try to motivate him but it's work few time.
I wish I could suggest something for you but I feel the exact same way. I used to be full of life. I experienced trauma 3 years ago and have never been the same. I have the world’s most wonderful husband and 2 awesome grown children with a grandchild on the way yet every day I can barely get out of bed every day and quite honestly the best part of my day is going back to bed at night. To the outside world I appear to have all a d realistically I do. I question how long I can go on like this but I have no choice as anything else would destroy my family.
Sorry I am not much help but I wanted you to know that you are not alone.

Thank you so much for your support ❤️
after being on here for the first time it gave me hope and somewhat a relief to know that i am not alone. Anxiety and depression is such an ugly feeling. i wouldn’t want anyone to feel what we feel.
Thank you again ❤️🦋