So I have a friend that I have considered a close friend for over a decade. She has always been kind and genuine and a true friend. However when she went away for college she changed a little bit. I don't know what it was but something in her changed. She seems so fake now. I feel as though she would tell me one thing and tell someone else another. Anyway, last week she had texted me and asked how I was doing (the last month was hard because I was going through a break up) and, as usual, I told her the short story of what was going on. That we got back together and I'm doing okay but the depression sucks. She knows a lot about my mental health so that's not something that would make her uncomfortable. She just never answered me. And a lot of my friends do that to me as well. Anyway, she just posted a video with my boyfriends ex. Which is fine, I have no issue with the ex or my friend hanging out with people I might be uncomfortable with. But it got me thinking. Why do I have all of these people I consider friends that can't even find time to reply to one text? Or why do I have friends that I believe don't even like me? So I want to change my number. I don't want those people I think are fake friends to have access to me anymore. Is that over reacting? My therapist says I create a lot of dialog (which I know) and I already know I'm paranoid that no one likes me. But I feel as though I have reasons to feel the way I do about certain people. I don't know. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.
Am I overreacting : So I have a friend... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am I overreacting

That happen to me also, sometimes I think that everyone are fake, and they use me just when they need something
I think that people that don’t go through what we go through sometimes is hard for them to understand. If I have a friend going through anxiety I do my best to help them because I know what it feels like. But everyone is not the same. She could have forgotten to text you back, who knows? It’s hard to tell. But because we are going through these things we may at times overreact
This is quite ... seemingly unfair to this person & it doesn’t seem to fit with what this girl was writing. Perhaps you should start a new thread to ask for help with your pain. Your pain matters too & people here care and understand pain themselves.
I’m older now believe me it still happens. People change and don’t change. I went through health issues lost decade friends I went through depression from my health it was hard & losing people. That seems to make you vulnerable & for some they just don’t want to deal with that but willing for you to listen to them. She’s not a close friend anymore she would have gotten back to you as she asked. People also don’t want to be bogged down. Sometimes we have to lie by omission share our pain in safe circles at appropriate times. I come on here. And tell one or two friends but not every time they ask. Shrinks are for that. Do you journal ?
Don’t take on her change just be aware of it & let time decide if she’s a write off or a keeper it’s just a change of how you’re friends now. Make her talk about herself lol & you talk about anything but your problems change the subject keep her thinking fir a change.

That all makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to write!
You say your close, ask her what’s going on with not responding back? If your friends it will just strengthen the bond or you will see who your true friends are. Don’t change your number if you don’t want to talk don’t respond, Not being disrespectful but Females are good at that especially with me. 😀 hope this give ya a laugh
Actually I’m not that ugly lol but I’m getting older and laid up from health issues I’d like to be super hot but it’s not going to happen. . If you’re referring to yourself as ugly I’m sorry you feel that way. As for being a fkn c$&t I’ve been called worse. I’m glad you got it out. I know your frustration well. I’ve been through hell unlike anyone I’ve met in my life not day that I own the crown fir hell im sure I don’t. It makes me very angry want to stop the pain and I have thought of dying hoping as I’m tired from fighting. You feel unheard and unchanged you can be mad at everyone yourself I know the drill wish I didn’t. I only know love hurts and love heals & it’s baby steps. If you don’t fit in with the “regular ” people right now try to fit in with animals and take it slow being in public and mindfulness. It’s hard as hell but I concentrate on loving my parents still here not much longer & don’t live by me but when I’m alone I concentrate on what’s still here in my heart. It may be sad kinda but people have rough lives it’s about trying to get up and it’s ok to be mad but truth is ... no one likes a person that is legitimately unkind to them and you ... you’ve obviously had your share of unkindness dealt to you in your life so you dish it back at least you still have the energy too. So ... find ways to learn to love again. Nite
Well if you want help and keep being censored and kicked off ... maybe you need to ask fir help in different ways. A teaching moment for your overeducated (ego is the enemy ) educated ass ... just saying. & I will expect a rude crass response if that’s where you’re determined to remain stuck. But it’s bedtime... my life is rough right now physical & mental pain .. I could use some kindness myself .. if you care to think on your response and how you might like to be cared for. Nite again
Are you alright ?
So I see some responses and then there's missing ones that seem to have gotten deleted...what happened? I didn't mean for my post to start any hostility