I did a very horrible thing today.. I did not think about it..
It was over when I realized it, and by over I mean already done.
I got to learn something I am not supposed to know about my ex. I got to know that (confidential) information a way I shouldn't have, Its something concerning her health. Not only that but out of shock I spoke to my friend about it, I then went and spoke to another friend, and then to two other friends... I shared the news I was not supposed to know to other people that are not supposed to know either.
I was just not thinking straight, I don't know why I got myself into this, I don't know how I did that. I just blanked and found myself there with that pieces of information.
I needed to hear what my last friend have told me. The things she said woke me up.
Last week I came to know about somethings my ex have said about me to other people. I am not trying to revenge, I never thought I would do such thing. I have already done it. Its over. Its horrible.
I know what I did is very bad, but my intentions were never the way they are looking. I know that there is no way my ex would know about this.. That I know and that I've told people about it... I just don't feel like myself. That's not me. I wouldn't do such thing... but I have already done..
I feel horrible, I feel miserable, I feel very guilty and regretful. I feel very perplexed.. HOW DID I DO THAT. WHY DID I DO THAT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. WHY DID I NOT THINK ABOUT IT. WHY DID MY ANXIETY NOT WORK THIS TIME? WHY DIDN'T IT DO ME ANY GOOD FOR ONCE??? FOR ONCE.