It doesn't seem to take much sometimes. Just a simple conversation with a friend who is convinced I have thyroid issues was all it took. She has been pushing me for months now to avoid doctors and instead rely on tons of articles despite my TSH & T3 readings coming back normal (which required going to a doctor mind you). You know, take matters into my own hands versus go to some quack because what do they know, right? I get it, I really do. Sometimes you do need to be your own health advocate, but I can't manifest knowledge about something I have zero background in. All I know is how debilitating depression has been for me.
She told me chronic depression isn't a disease and that I am essentially being an idiot for relying on doctors and my nutritionist (who ironically has Hashimoto's and looked at my recent blood tests and equally confirmed my readings were fine). My nutritionist did suggest taking a vitamin D supplement since my reading was very low, so I've been doing that along with adopting a Mediterranean diet. So between seeing a therapist, working out, changing my diet and taking supplements, she STILL thinks I am not doing enough about my health even though most of the articles she has provided suggest doing the very things I have been doing for 'thyroid issues' since depression is a side effect.
She means well and I am very thankful for that, which I've told her on multiple occasions. But I finally had to lay down the hammer and explain that it has been far too pushy, that it's information overload, that I don't have any hints of a thyroid problem right now and it's more than I can handle at the moment. She took it well and respected what I had to say, but I don't think she herself understands depression. Now I am a mess because as I said to her, I feel like I am failing my family, my friends and myself for not being good enough. All I can do right now is my best and I think considering the circumstances, I am doing more than I emotionally can handle for my own benefit.
I'm glad I live alone where no one can see me crying like a baby. I feel so pathetic for getting upset so easily by this.