Anybody have experience with panic attacks or anxiety attacks? I have had things happen before where I start to sweat and cant stop shaking but over the weekend I had it happen worse. I couldnt breath, my heart wouldnt stop racing and my whole body was shaking. I thought I was going to pass out but got control of myself. Since then my stomach has been upset and I have had muscle pains all over and trouble sleeping. I finally slept last night out of pure exhaustion I think. I am very depressed but I cannot be on anti-depressants because my body doesn't respond well to them. I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow and I am going to let him know about it but I wasn't sure if it would be considered a panic attack or an anxiety attack. I have read anxiety attacks are not a proven medical condition. My chest hurts all the time also. I have had x-rays and they came back fine. I had blood work done today and that came back fine also. It just seems all my physical problems are from anxiety and depression. I thought I had gotten it under control until now. I guess I have a lot more work to do. I always like to post here because its such a good support system but I haven't in some time because I thought I had gotten better. I am not sure now if it will ever get better.
Panic attacks and Depression - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks and Depression

I get both sometimes, and they kinda blend into each other. During the panic it's hard to function, my body kinda feels like it moves in it's own... Usually to a quiet place I can cry lol...
Yes I get shaky, sweat and racing heart beat.
But I have learned something from Dare by Barry McDonagh.
Is that when you get this way, the only way out is through. There is nothing to stop a panic attack once it starts all you can do is ride it out.
So try to remember this, you are safe in your body. The shaking is just your body's way of trying to release that nervous energy. Just let it be. Don't fight it. Tell your brain to bring it on, you can take whatever it can throw at you. I know that sounds kind of ridiculous and like poking the bear but it'll help you with regaining control.
To prevent an anxiety and panic attack is to embrace the uncomfortable sensations. Before any anxiety and panic attack goes full on you get the signs. You start sweating, heart starts beating fast, cotton mouth or racing thoughts. You just tell yourself "Ok, anxiety ok I know that's you. You know what f you!" Go ahead make me sweat. Give me cotton mouth, I'll just go get myself water. If I faint (which you won't because your heart beating fast will keep you from passing out.) well I'll get a much needed nap. Send me all your empty threats. Because that's what they are. Pick a character to challenge your anxiety. Like go Denzel Washington from Training Day 😂
It does take practice. And yeah these sensations suck. I get the lump in my throat or cotton mouth which makes me gag. I shake and sometimes throw up and I cry. I usually go and lay down on my bed room floor. Because I'm hot & cold. But once I lay down on the floor it helps me become grounded. Eventually the energy discharges. I feel a little better but tired. I go to my bed. Sometimes I'm able to overcome it. Sometimes it gets the better of me. But that's okay. I know I have tools. I know it's weakness. Eventually I will get back to where I once was and this anxiety B's will just become background noise.
Anxiety and depression can be hard on the body. Because anxiety always has you at Defcon 2. Always in high alert. Depression just makes you weary. You don't sleep and that leads your mind to wander and think about past mistakes.
But with everything it takes practice and time. You can't rush healing. You will get there in your own time
Sending love and healing 🫂 ❤️
Therapy is the best medicine ,, I have tried pills they don't seem to work!! I have suffered from panic attacks for 40 years now.. You will have goood days and bad ones.. Embrace the good days!! It will try your brain this is how life is suppose to be!!
I have rotten memory due to long term medication, especially epilepsy [54 years] I suddenly remember things and get really bad guilt pangs, have to sit down and 'ride' them out, trying therapy for first time tomorrow🤞 I don't think or believe any medication would be of any help?
Sorry you’re dealing with this Metal13. Panic and anxiety attacks tend to blend into each other. Some people only get anxiety attacks but they can be horrid like a panic attack, just varying presentation of symptoms. I agree with Cl3V3R about the DARE book. That’s who recommended it to me and it really does help teach skills and explain it well. Check it out. Try deep breathing also. Inhale slow deep breath from your nose, hold it two seconds and exhale slow from ur nose. Think of positive affirmations, you are safe you are strong this shall pass etc. try doing that as long as you need to. Practice when you’re not in an attack so when it comes you can do it through the loud noise. 🙏🏻
When I get them, Its hard to breathe like I feel I'm gonna pass out and I'm dying and I can't bring myself to move, racing heart deep pounding in my chest and burning sensation all over my body. I get myself to a room alone, or go outside for air and it's helps the breathing then I calm down
I get this sweating a lot when my anxiety goes through the roof and i have no solution but to wait until it subsides , but it really is terrible at the time.