Please i need someone to answer me. I am terrified and anxious. It all started with a panic attack back in December, i thought that was it but then in January i started to experience depersonalization/derealization and then i had like 4 panic attacks, i didnt have any panic attacks for like a month or more until this last Wednesday i was so anxious all day for no reason i started crying and i had a panic attack, one of the worst ones. My depersonalization got so bad to the point where i don't like myself at all, i talked to a psychiatrist and he told me i have a panic disorder and today is my first day on Zoloft(sertraline) i feel hopeless about this medication i dont know why. Its only my first day i know it takes a while but what im concerned about is that what if i have depersonalization not anxiety or depression? That way i dont think medications can help. I asked my psychiatrist and he said hopefully the medication will help my depersonalization but still im scared. I feel like an emotionless person or like a whole different person other than who i am. I feel like a zombie and as if i dont have an identity. Please if someone can help
Is it depression or depersonalization? - Anxiety and Depre...
Is it depression or depersonalization?

Speak with a psychologist that won’t put you on meds. The best way to beat it is to fix the problem causing it and not putting a bandaid on it. Speaking from experience. Wish you the best and you’re going to get through this. You’re stronger than this

Ive already started the medication, and after the quarantine im going to start seeing a psychologist.. but for now i guess im going to stick with medication. Do you think they might help?i feel horrible anxiety i cant deal with it on my own
I completely h swear and where you’re coming from and I tried different meds as well. They typically take about 30 days before you feel the effects, but I will say that you really are strong enough to do this on your own even though it doesn’t feel like it. There’s this wall of panic and the “what-ifs” only go so far. You’ll hit that wall and you’re left with two options, everything you’ve feared comes true, or you see there’s nothing to be scared of.
Hi Clucat11
I am currently on Sertraline 100mg raised from 50mg, I suffered terrible anxiety and have been for the past 2 years now. Recently I started taking Diazepam 2mg prescribed also by the doctors to calm the episodes down. They are quite severe when they reach their peak and have the ability to last up to a week the symptoms I get with my anxiety are rapid heartbeat, sweating, vomiting/nauseous, diarrhea and a knot in my chest. I am now also under a therapist and have been doing an online portal thing only because of covid, however im yet to see some sort of improvement as I'm still getting bouts of anxiety however am sometimes able to subside it from getting in a worse attack, making it gone within a few hours. I would say the srtraline 100mg has been a great help and worked properly after about 2 weeks, now I do only take diazepam when im in a bad need for example if the anxiety symptoms are really bad. Im still going to carry on with a therapist and see if this can help. Like others have said try speaking with a therapist its normally better to fix it rather than taping it up with drugs, its just i felt I needed both these to help me.
Hope this helps. Stay Safe
I suggest you don't judge your new medication before it has a chance to show you the respite it can bring. If you set your mind against it on Day One you are prejudging it and there is little hope for its efficacy. Most mind changing meds can take up to 3 weeks to work.
I think you should spend a while examining your life and decide what is causing your nervous distress. Anxiety disorder doesn't happen for no reason: it is the result of anxiety overload, more anxiety than your nerves can handle. This may be due to over work, loss, disappointment, toxic relationships, guilt, a job you hate , money worries etc. When you have decided then you must neutralise the cause and be ruthless in overcoming it.
You do not deserve to have unpleasant experiences like this, you must put yourself first for a change.
Hang in there & give the medication a chance. It may help you especially if it is for anxiety. I don't have a panic disorder but I know what it feels like to have depersonalization. I also feel like a zombie just going through the motions of life. So I can definitely relate to you on that subject. It makes me feel less alone knowing there are other people out there that are dealing with this.
Does depersonalization make you feel like you're going crazy or your mind isnt functioning well?
That’s a good question. I don’t know about you but the feeling is hard to explain. I am constantly telling my doctor how I feel disconnected from everything. It’s like I’m here physically but my mind is elsewhere. At times, I do feel like I’m going crazy but know it’s all in my head. That’s when I take a deep breath, calm myself down and tell myself that everything is going to be okay even though I may not feel that way. I’m not sure if that answers your question but be patient and know that you are not alone.
Yes exactly! Especially with doctors some of them have a hard time understanding depersonalization. Sometimes they dont believe the patient which sucks honestly:/ but im glad that there are people like you and me who are working on gets better i promise, its not my first time going through depersonalization ive been there before but this quarantine made it a bit worse. Just learn how to deal with it by answering your mind's questions, exercise, and eat in an organized way. Eventually your mind will get distracted.
Omg this is me!!! When I have an attack or just at some moments!!! I feel things aren’t real and I’m going crazy!!!! It all started years back after I smoked pot!!! I was detached! Worse feeling ever!!!!
Depersonalisation is just you mind's unhelpful way of trying to distance your from threats which it feels you are subject to as its picked up on your release of fear hormone. When you have dealt with your anxiety then it will yield as it is only a symptom of anxiety disorder.
Hi this can take six weeks to work and can make some suicidal. You should ask for a change of meds. May be you could try older ones that work quickly. Amitriptlyline can help tense muscles with conditions such as myalgia as well as depression. Valium may help with anxiety. My daughter had fibromyalgia and the depression from pain was helped by the amitriptiline which is an antidepressant. Hope you can contact doctor as this drug may not be right for you.

Hello!yes i know it takes some time to work.. but ive been like that before the medication so im not blaming the medication for anything.. actually i didnt have any weird side effects since ive been on it.. so thank you for the information but i think im gonna stick with it to see if it helps. If it doesnt of course im going to try something else but im positive
That's good. Expect it is deep depression which is responsible for feelings of depersonalisation. Hope you turn the corner soon.

Do you think the medication will help with depression so my depersonalization can go away gradually?
I think so but also believe in topping up b group of vitamins such as B12 and folic acid and vitamin d. Deperonalisation is a facet of depression . I guests when you can see the psychologist it will help. Do you feel emotionally detached as if you are in another room to everyone else? Describe how you feel and am sure other people will recognize how you feel with feedback. If you are self isolating the phone is a comfort to keep in touch.

Ive tested my vitamins and my hormones... everything was normal :/ thats why im pretty sure its mental. I just feel like im trapped inside my head or like everyone around me is weird and strange and i cant recognize my own family.. im tired
May be you have sleep deprivation with the worry of what you have been through. Do you have broken nights with waking up so you don't feel rested?

I used to have that yes but not everyday
So i dont know.. like some nights it would feel hard to fall asleep but then other times when im feeling better i would fall asleep normally
Sleep is important but sometimes a sleep disorder goes undiagnosed. I tried the usual advice for going to sleep cutting down on social media computer or TV an hour before bed time. Turning off distressing news and violent dramas and horror movies. Had a darker room to encourage sleep producing hormone melatonin. I was diagnosed with sleep disorder and take a sleeping pill every night going to bed late as otherwise I am up at two in the morning. This can help mental health but expect when the meds kick in you will feel better. Other ideas to help sleep are to. decorate rooms in darker colours as this can help rest eyesight and anxiety. Exercise during the day helps some. Other advice is wearing special coloured spectacle lenses or sun glasses in the evening. Pink yellow or blue help rest the eyes. Watch out for sinus and ear problems as this can cause anxiety and balance problem with headaches. Are the meds helping you yet?

Not really they need like 2 weeks to kick in but honestly when i take them i feel this weird feeling that i cant explain
Do you take them in the morning before food or with food? It can make s difference. I usually take mine with food or drink milk when I take a tablet. Tablets on an empty stomach might have a sudden impact which makes you feel odd.
Yes understand those feelings it's awful to deal
Youre going through that too?
Yes I deal with it everyday and makes my anxiety worse
What do you go through
I can relate! You can message me
Having panic disorder myself, what I’ve noticed that while having a bad panic attack, after you do feel the depersonalization effects. That’s just how it goes. I’d ask for hydroxyzine or buspar to start out as well. Anxiety medication mixed with Anti depressants, don’t work too much for anxiety. Especially panic disorder.
Also, don’t let anyone tell you what you need. If you need medication to be able to start to learn coping skills, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. 💕
I just want to cure my depersonalization.. i dont care about anything else
Well, this depersonalization happens after panic attacks, am I understanding correctly?
I have it constantly
Okay. Well usually depersonalization is a reaction due from high anxiety/panic. So, in order to get it more under control, you do need to address this panic disorder issue.
Yes exactly thats why im giving zoloft a try
From the information you gave your psychiatrist, this is what he believes is happening. So, try it out. Ask for some hydroxyzine (in my case it works better than busbar)
And it it doesn’t seem to get better within maybe about 8 weeks with therapy included, talk to the therapist about your concern as well as the psychiatrist.