Hi I am gfranklin12, and I suffer from PTSD, chronic depression, and anxiety disorder, due to the unexpectedly death of my daughter. She was murdered by her ex boyfriend, and father of her son... my grandson. They are ones in my profile picture. I asked my daughter to move away from our hometown, and come live with me, because I wanted her to have a better life. What I didn't know that she was involved in a violent relationship that she kept from me. It was indicated by the court, that her ex-boyfriend stated to her " If you move to where your father lives, than that is a good way to get yourself killed!" He murdered her, and threw her body in a lake. Before that, he brulty beat her to death, because he want to take her beauty away. I recived the call later Sunday night from her mother, that she was missing, and it took three days to locate her body. I feft responsible for my baby death, and it started my downward journey of depression and anxiety. I was a principal in the public school system for 20 years, and was considered one of the best disciplinary administrator in my state!!! I had to step down from my job, because of my illnesses, and started taking medication, and therapy. I am hoping that, I can maybe talk to others who are going through these issues with depression, PTSD, and uncontrollable anxiety. It's so hard, and painful to go through this along... please help.
Thank you...