Hello everyone, I am new here. I have found myself feeling like I’m about to lose my mind lately. There is so much going on in life. The last several month I have been dealing with an alcoholic husband and hoping he will get help for his issue. I my a 12 yr old daughter who is a type 1 diabetic and ever since school has started it has been a constant battle for her to go to school. She doesnt feel well, her stomach hurts, her head hurts, she threw up (not sure if she did or not) to getting phone calls at work from the school. I have had her seen by her doctors and they had diagnosed her with anxiety. They started her on medication which she didnt like so I switched her to an all natural medication called Calm Keeper made by Genexa. Seems to help a bit. They we had got threw xrays, ultrasounds, er visists and specialist visits all within the last 2 months. Everymorning at work she texts me the same this as any other day. Mind you my husband, her father is at home to get her ready for school. I have said you need to tell dad this stuff because I am at work. Once this started then I still not only have her texting me I now have my husband texting me abou the issues. I work from 5:30am-2:30pm, come home to deal with house work, dinner, taking my 17yr old son to work, helping my daughter get her stuff done and never having any help from anyone else in the house. I feel like I am running myself into the ground. When I talk to my husband about my depression and how I feel I get its in your head and you make yourself that way. People who do not deal with depression or anxiety just dont seem to understand. I feel like im just living the same motions day in and day out. Im tired all the time and even when i can get extra sleep it seems to do nothing for me. I find myself wanting to run away from life for a while before coming back to my family. I want to find the highest place I can go and just scream!
Overwhelmed: Hello everyone, I am new... - Anxiety and Depre...

🌸 so sorry sweetie. having anxiety and deppression with a crazy home life doesn't help. I can say you need time for yourself but I'm sure you know that but it feels impossible. what if you and your kids could go together for an evening walk the fresh air would be nice for your daughter too, help her maybe to talk to you in a relaxed environment? hope things settle down for you and you can cope better with your situation. wish you the best 🌸

Thank you, I sure hope things do calm down soon. We do already take evening walks around our neighborhood which is nice. It gives us a bit of a break to just enjoy nature for a few moments. I find myself saying over and over again in my mind that Im always so busy worrying and taking care of everyone else that I forget I am a person too and I need to take time for me. However I seem to have such a hard time finding that time to take for myself.
maldonado85, you hit it on the nail in that "you are a person too and need time to take care of yourself" Your running yourself on overdrive and your motor is burning out. It will do no one any good if mom is too sick to take care of things. We can't take care of others if we don't take care of ourselves first. I agree that taking an evening walk can be physically refreshing but you also need a respite from mental stress. Doing some "me time" every day will help put you in a different place emotionally and physically by allowing both your mind and body to release the stress of the day.
Finding something that works for you such as meditation, deep breathing can give you that same escape feeling as wanting to run away. Physically running away is not going to solve your issues but running away in your mind for just 10 minutes a day can make a huge different. In today's world, we all need that respite from reality.
Surely you can find 10 minutes either when you get home or before bed where you can go to a quiet spot to call your own. No disruptions. This is not a nap so I would
suggest not lying down. Find a comfortable chair or sofa, dim the lights, quiet the phone and tv and gently put your hands on your lap, a warm blanket around your shoulders and if it's cold, sip on a hot cup of tea and just breathe. With a hectic life
around you, I would bet to think it's been a long time since you were able to take in
a deep satisfying breath and exhale slowly letting out the stress of the day.
Using imagery in finding that quiet place in your mind where you may go for 10 minutes. I hope you give it a try because I think it will give you some peace and calm
even for moments but you may be surprised in how it eventually will spill over into your life. Breathe Maldonado, Breathe xx
Thank you so much for your suggestions! I never even thought of taking just 10 minutes or so in a quiet area to just breathe. I’m sure this would be a great help. By the end of the day Im usually in bed the same time the kids go to bed at 10. Im back up at 1:30am to check my daughter blood sugar and then back to bed until my alarm goes off for work at 4:30am. I will take for sure try what you have suggested. Thanks again for that advice!
Maldonado, it sounds like it's not going to be that easy for you to find those 10 minutes but there's always a way around things. You took the first big step in finding this support site. As we all share our own little tricks of the trade you
may find something that will work for you. I have a few more things in my pocket that I can share with you but one step at a time.
Take care, I'm glad you're here with us. xx
Sorry to hear your story I am too dealing with anxiety and it’s not fun I have been taking meds for 2 months now with not too much of luck but you really need to take some time off work if you can take FMLA i had to do that my pcp and my therapist suggested it. I will try a psychiatrist next to get more help suggested by my coworker who is a nurse sometines we cant keep going on our own and need help. Please get the help now before you get more depressed
hi sometimes the screaming actually works because I do that myself.i know how you feel about losing your mind with to much going on ive been like that since December.ive thought about running away as well even googled homeless hostels that took in dogs.all I can say is get a quiet afternoon just you and your husband and sit over lunch together and talk over of your feelings its easier to get it out that way I think.i hope you get some peace in your mind and life soon.
maldonado85, I am really sorry for all that you are facing. You sound like a very strong person and an amazing mom and woman. I agree with you that those that have never dealt with it do not understand it. I am wondering if your husband does feel the same way that you do, and he deals with it another way. My suggestion would be to sit down with your husband and tell him that you know he does not understand but that you need to talk about things anyway. Maybe when the situation is approached sincerely and openly (not that it hasn't been before) then it will help him to be more compassionate. Also, if you can find 20 minutes or so a day to do something for you, even if it is just to listen to music, or listen to nothing but silence, that may help you at least calm your nerves. I am a teacher and I can honestly say that children feed off of their parents anxiety. A lot of times kids deal with behavioral and emotional issues because they feel that stress int heir home. This may help your daughter with her stress and anxiety when you can help give yourself a little time. We love others best when we love ourselves first. This is hard as a mother because our we always want our children to be first, that is normal. At the end of the day, they need us whole and healthy. I pray this helps and that you are able to find some time for yourself. You deserve it - you sound like an amazing lady!
thank you for your kind words. I have started taking about 10 minutes for myself after work and as soon as the kids get home and settled from school. I can say that while i still feel overwhelmed because over thhe last couple weeks more issues with my daughter have come up. I dont feel like im conpletely breaking down. Im trying to not show my anxiety or anything at home because my daughter was diagnosed with anxiety in the beg. of Oct.
Sorry u having a hard time I understand where u coming from. Am so busy helping everybody else that I barely think about myself my boyfriend is an alcoholic and I just stop drinking 2 weeks ago and started taking medication 2 weeks ago three days ago I been feeling very depressed and haven’t left the house at all today is my son football game and am not going to his game and am heartbroken because am tried of struggling with depression and anxiety i had a lot of childhood trauma and sexually abuse and that’s where a lot of my mental illness come from and on top of that my 19 year old has Crohn’s disease and we didn’t know about that until he was about to turn 18 and he been in out of the hospital and be in some much pain and he need me but I can barely get off the couch to take care of myself and is slowly breaking me down and I feel like am going to lost it