Where do I start? I'm not suicidal. I love my nieces and nephews and I can't bare to think how that would affect them. However I don't feel like my life is worth living. I feel miserable at best. My life hasn't been a picnic for as long as I can remember, but when I think it's terrible, it gets worse.
My 40th birthday was a few days ago. I "celebrated" in a hotel room by myself. I am currently an unemployed Nurse. I haven't worked in about 2 months, which is baffling to me. I never had a problem finding a job before. My career has taken a few hits this past year. As a result, I lost my car and had to give up my home. I'm staying with a sister whom I do not like. The only positive side is that my niece and nephew from another sister live here as well and I know it means alot to them that I'm here. My sisters and I used to be close, but we have grown far apart over the years. If they didn't have kids, I don't think we'd deal with one another at all. I was in a serious relationship earlier this year for the first time since 2009 and it didn't last long. My heart was broken again. Not as bad as when my two friends of almost 20 years told me on the morning of my birthday that I am a difficult friend, a friendship with me is a burden and it is draining. I wasn't surprised though. I suspected they felt that way about me a long time ago despite me always being there for them through their difficult times.
I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder in November of last year and bipolar disorder in June. I took medicine for a month, but was unable to follow up with the psychiatrist because I moved for work. I've been trying to see someone, but my family isn't very helpful and I don't have anyone who can help. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if things don't change soon. I want to cry all of the time, but I have to put on a face in front of the kids. I don't know why I'm so unlovable. I don't understand why I'm in this situation. I used to pray, but clearly that isn't helping. (My religious beliefs are a whole other topic). I guess I'm just posting this to vent, not sure how anyone can help. Maybe this will help someone in a similar situation. I can say that this site helps me feel less alone and out of place.