I've been taking xanax for over 10 years, before that i was taking klonopin for for about 15 years. I have severe panic disorder, and have had at least 20 psychiatric hospitalizations before i had insurance and was able to be treated regularly. Ive been on every antidepressant there is and have been taking 300mg of effexor and 4mg of xanax since 2004. This combination works for me...I don't always take 4mg of xanax..but it's good to know i can if i need to. Ive never abused xanax, or sold it like some people do. Recently my psychiatrist said he wanted to lower my dosage of xanax because the State of NY is cracking down on Benzos. I don't believe I should suffer because other people abuse it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
xanax: I've been taking xanax for over... - Anxiety and Depre...

As I understand it, there is a new law in New York State (where I also live) that adds benzos to a list of restricted medications. All prescriptions must be reported to the State by both he doctor and the pharmacist. There are limits on how often a prescription can be renewed and the amount of drugs prescribed. As this is a law, there is probably not much you can do about it. Your doctor can still prescribe benzos, though, so you might clarify with him how or whether the new limits would affect you.
danny631, I understand your frustration and concern regarding Benzos being watched more closely. It was the same for me with Darvocette-100 for my migraines. For years I suffered from daily headaches which were either migraines at times or daily tension headaches. I used the Darvocette responsibly only when I couldn't handle the pain any longer. One day, the medication was taken off the market. I was scared and angry. That was the only thing that worked for my intense pain at times and I never abused the drug.
There's nothing we can do. Times change and so we must accept it and find different ways, different tools to use. Supposedly Darvocette had some bad cases in affecting the heart and so was pulled off the market. Ironically, I did get A-Fib shortly after than happening. I've always wondered if the med played a part in my getting it.
Your doctor must follow the new laws and you must follow your doctor's orders to keep your safe. Wish you well.
How about a long acting benzo, clonzapam. You may get away with taking a little less of this benzo and get the same effects.. just a thought. I was on it for a number of years with much success, now I take Ativan PRN, 1 mg. Works well also. I may use 30 pills a year of Ativan. The lexapro eliminated the panic and the sarquel got rid of the anxiety/depression
The joys of living in the northeast.
I dint think you shouls either. I take 225 effexor ans have xanax for when needed. I had a severe trigger which initiated the addition of xanax which i needed on a daily basis until i pulled through it all. Now, I only take it when necessary and my 30 day scrip lasts me 4 to 6 months. I agree, without it I truly dont know what would have happened..and it is definitely a secure feeling to know it is there if necessary.
Thank you, i think it's a great medication as long as it isnt abused. And just knowing I have it helps a great deal