So I went to the doctor today because after a seemingly good day with my wife and daughter yesterday I woke at 1 to a panic attack I decided enough is enough and went to see my doctor. So far he is has increased my dosage of Effexor 2 125 and has prescribed me lorazepam.05 for any future anxiety attacks. I really feel like I'm suffering in my own head at this point and I am hoping that this was the right course of action to make this go away. I have not tried to CBD oils that some have suggested yet. I just don't know enough about them and I do get random drug tests at work.
Enough is enough: So I went to the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Enough is enough

Make sure you have adequate levels of magnesium, take a super b-complex with food. Take GABA, it’s a natural neurotransmitter. NOW makes a chewable GABA that helps a lot. Green tea has L-theanine which has a calming effect on the brain. Calm is a brand of calcium-magnesium powder that you drink with juice or water. Synthetic meds are a last resort. Cardio and fresh air are beyond necessary. Pump that blood! Get that lymph system moving to get toxins out! Talk it out with a compassionate listener. Then get to work one task at a time to move toward a more peaceful life. Anxiety is what causes a lot of suicides, more so than depression. Know that you are enough just as you are. You’re a good man. Being “more” and having “more” are what consumerism in our society gear us toward to sell us the answer to our woes. What if we all figured out we are enough just as we are?? Wishing you freedom from your suffering and peace to you and your family.
I wonder how much magnesium I should take on a daily basis?
I could definitely use something to take the edge off. I hate being so nervous all the time. I really like that part about being enough. If I could just get that through my thick head I might feel better.thanks
Make it a daily practice to remind yourself that you are enough, MORE than enough, in the hearts of your wife and daughter. In their eyes, you can never be replaced. You are their dream come true. And pain is a signal for change. Respect it, acknowledge it as you have here, respond in kind. I see you pain, and I won’t ignore you. Embrace change. Grow or die. Gather wisdom and be in the moment. One task at a time toward a goal that will bring you more peace. Throw out or give away junk. Don’t buy more. Simplify. This has helped my anxiety. Let go of the past. Don’t personalize it. It’s just a story. It’s not you. You are a field of awareness. When you are spiraling, come back to the present moment. There is safety in the present moment. And it’s all we ever experience. The chaos in your mind is what minds do. Get out of it by coming back into your body. Practice this and it will become part of you. It takes time and awareness. The journey itself is joyful!!
I don’t have any experience with CBT oil.. I do have much experience with panic/anxiety. I’ve been dealing with this for some time. Early on I often would search for something to make this go away. I learned, in some time, that that approach was counterproductive. It stopped me from excepting this condition. Anxiety/panic becomes our armor in some way. It tries to protect us from what is really bothering us. My life experience was always striving for the next accomplishment until I realized that these accomplishments were never enough to satisfy this inner turmoil. That is when anxiety/panic took over. Using medication has helped me to find ways to manage this condition. I no longer expect that this will just go away. The panic has subsided because I no longer fear these attacks. This whole message may feel overwhelming to you and that is not my intention, I’m just sharing my experience in hopes that you have a different perspective.
I liked reading your message. Even after all these years I do tend to believe that this will one day just go away. Maybe if I try to switch gears a bit and try to just accept that this is how it is maybe that would bring some of the peace that I seek. Obviously right now I'm in a peak of anxiety but once this subsides I can learn to just accept the state im in
Love the pic of your beautiful baby girl!!
Highly recommend Eckhart Tolle audiobooks. Go for a hike and listen to “through the open door” or any of his talks or books. Listen on the way to work or while falling asleep. Any way you can get his words in your head, do it. Your anxiety will have no chance when faced with the power of his words, very down to earth wisdom. No ego. A beautiful peace settles over you and it is effortless.