Today my Dad called me about an hour before I had to work and told me that he needed to take my mom to the Hospital because she was having bad chest pains and shortness of breath.
I IMMEDIATELY called my job and explained I needed to go help him and go watch my younger brothers who are 2 and 4 years old.
I got there and my mom was still there but she said she was feeling better but wanted me to stay just in case. And so I did.
My moms good friends husbands 60 th birthday party was this afternoon and she asked if my other brother who is 16 and I would take care of the “ littles”. And I said it wasn’t a big deal. My 16 yo brother on the other hand wanted nothing to do with it and got mad at my dad and stormed off.
Well, my dad decided to take it out on me. He said “well great, good to know that if either one of us (referring to my mom and him) has a medical emergency we are “f#%$ed”
I got really upset by this because there I was, having rushed over and called out of work to come and support my family and he tells me to my face I’m not doing enough.
He said that I am selfish and don’t want to do anything unless it benefits me in one way or another.
We got into a huge argument and he got in his car and drove off. I went and stood in front of it because I thought it was completely not acceptable that if he was SOOO concerned with my mom , why he would take off in his car because he’s mad at me.
I told him I wasn’t going to put up with his emotional abuse and manipulation anymore because I was tired of him blaming me for everything and thinking I’m not supportive when clearly my actions show other wise.
If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have been there but that’s not enough for him.
He threatened to kick me off the insurance plan and shut off my phone because he doesn’t need a “leech”.
I’m 20 and have been on my own since I was 17. Everything I have gotten for myself has been from me buying it and working for it.
I am completely fed up with his behavior towards me but don’t know what to do....