Hi everyone
I don't know if anyone would read this message but I'v been dealing with a lot anxiety. For some reason this issue gets worst when it comes to the time of travel. I have flown before and I did postponed my trip for the related issue but eventually I flown to my designated destination. This time I did the same thing. I'm just sick of doing this case by postponing the trip nothing would changed. Actually my trip is on Thursday and i was wondering if I could get some advise from someone. Someone who I can share my thoughts and get some relief. Need to mention I do know all these negative thoughts are just hoax but I just can't get rid of them. My mind automatically reset it when it comes the time of travel. This issue has ruin my goal of studying in a broad and taking the test back in October. Honestly I feel embarrassed to talk about it with friends and family. I do really want to travel now, and I know I can overcome this issue. I just need some help please. Thanks