I know that I probably just need to keep my mouth shut when it comes to this topic and believe me, I feel guilty for just bringing this it up. I know that others are in a much worse place than I am and I should feel lucky to be getting a paycheck but today I’m hating my life because of work. I don’t want to be here and I’m overloaded with anxiety because I just want to go home. I feel right on the edge of having a panic attack and I’m scared that someone is going to say something or look at me and set me off. I feel so worthless when I’m here because it is hard for me to get motivated and I end up being very unproductive. I try to stay focused and keep busy but my mind just keeps loosing track and I end up not getting anything done. I am also experiencing physical issues such as shakiness, and stomach pain. I don’t know if a new job would solve this problem or would it just bring on a whole new set of issues to deal with. Why can’t I just be normal and go to work and deal with this like a normal person.
Job anxiety!!!: I know that I probably... - Anxiety and Depre...
Job anxiety!!!

Sounds like you're dealing with anxiety ! It sure does stink! Are you getting any help? XXX

I’m not going to therapy at this time. Most of the time I can manage my symptoms but today I’m having a very difficult time getting my mind back to work. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I had some time away from work because of the holidays.
I agree. My anxiety left for a little since I didn’t have to worry about work or taking girls to school but it’s creeping back now that holidays are ending.
I have the same issues with work have been very quiet and that has sent me spiralling
Wishing for you that this will pass soon for you Simonn!

Thank you
Thank you for your reply and support it helps to know that I’m not alone.
I never used to struggle this much at work. I actually used to like to come to work but over the last few years it’s become much more difficult to stay motivated. I’ve had this job for 13 years, that’s the longest I’ve ever been in one job and maybe it’s time for a change. I worry that quitting would just introduce a new set of problems though.
Yes the longest for me was 9yrs current role 3 yrs. My anxiety always prevents me from sticking my neck out and pushing myself.
The longest I have held the same job is 4 years so you guys should be proud of yourselves. You are stronger than you think.
Wow I can totally relate. I would really like to quit. But then that may be worse for several reasons. Hang in there. At least you made it in to work. Congrats on that. Are you on medicine for anxiety? I started lexapro. I could use therapy too but bc of work I can’t find time to go.

I was on medication for a few years but I had to quit due to insurance reasons and side effects of some of the medication I was on. I try to manage my anxiety by exercising, meditation or journaling. I also have a very supportive spouse who helps me through the rough times. I sometimes think I would like to go back to therapy but finding the time and money make it much more difficult to do.
At least you exercise or meditate or journal. That’s healthy for so many reasons. I don’t have energy to do even that. And your lucky to have a supportive spouse. My spouse tries to be supportive but there are some issues we need to work on. Plus he works offshore so when he is gone it’s super hard for me. Maybe talking on here will help some with therapy. I also wonder if it’s the job or if it’s just me. But I’m thinking it’s more just me. What do you do for work if I can ask?

I can only imagine how difficult it is when your spouse is so far away for so long. My spouses job requires them to be away for just two days at a time and I sometimes struggle with that.
I work for a mine/chemical processing plant. I do preventative maintenance and equipment analysis for the equipment in the processing area.
I suffer from depression too. I’ve been working from home the past couple weeks because my little girls are in Christmas break but I haven’t gotten any work done. More my fault than theirs. Before break I broke down crying at work in front of my boss. It’s so embarrassing. My coworkers are nice but I haven’t made friends. It’s a small office and they all get along really well except I’m like an outsider.
Sounds like quite a job that requires a lot of skills and education as well as action. That's great.
How did you get into the field?
I initially started out as an industrial mechanic and I did that for 10 years. When an opening became available in the preventive maintenance field I applied at was awarded the job with the same company.
I completely understand u. Our job/career can effect us greatly. I also hate my job and I have social anxiety and ocd but I’m taking 3 medications and I’m feeling much more relieved and better. I’d rather take the meds than deal with my co workers bs. No one at work likes me except for 2 people who I’m very close with.
How about if you leave the word "normal" off the plate? Is it possible to talk to a friend or family member or even a counselor to get to the bottom of this? Work can be challenging not only because of work but because of demands of co workers etc. What kind of work do you do and do you get bored easily? That could also make a difference.
I do get easily bored and sometimes this career doesn’t challenge me enough. I am actively looking for other work but I’m kinda stuck here because the salary that I make is hard to compete with. If I didn’t need the money right now I would be willing to take a pay cut just for the opportunity for something new.
Could you try something else on the side- like a little business?
The thought of starting my own business has always been intriguing to me but at the same time a little scary. That would be a big risk but the potential payoff sounds very rewarding. I’ve never given it much thought in the past but lately it has been sounding like a great idea.
Hi. I have the same problem. The physical and emotional problem got really bad. If you’re taking medication, it might be time to talk to her or him. Another possibility might be to take FMLA which might be paid leave. This could give you time to adjust to any change that you need to make. I hope all gets better. Feel free to contact me. Joe
hey! i totally understand you! it's hard to get through your anxiety. even though you know it's silly and that you should appreciate having a job. i always try to tell myself that but it keeps coming back. i don't have any solid advice for you but what i can tell you is that i have the same experience. you are not alone in this. coming here really helps me cope and also feel like i can say anything. also reading people's posts helps me realize there is not anything wrong with me. try communicating with someone you trust. i don't really have anyone who truly understands me and i feel like i have to do this all alone. this community makes me feel like i am supported.