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Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for August 2021

Had ablation for afib now pace-maker dependent!

Hi. What does pace-maker dependent mean? Had an ablation foe AFib and now dr sa...
Mav74 profile image


Hi all, The last few months maybe 3 when I have a 'fluttering' episode it's maki...
nikonBlue profile image

Catheter Ablation Tomorrow 8/24

Would like to say Thank You to all of you whom have posted your experiences with...
CalJailer profile image
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Been in AF since 2pm yesterday. Never happened before . Not sure what to do . My...
kalgs profile image

Af low HR

I’ve been in AF since yesterday lunch time . My Kardia 6 L is showing average HR...
kalgs profile image

Sanjay Gupta York Hospital- worth his weight in gold

I had a “video session” with him yesterday, having had a previous one about a ye...
Slim2018 profile image


I have PAF . This afternoon my pulse rate is 157 . My Kardia 6L is saying AFIB b...
kalgs profile image

Definition of ‘processed foods’ - what’s yours?

The term ‘processed food’ is often used on this forum in the context of stuff to...
Buffafly profile image

Arrhythmia advice/support?

Hi - I’m fairly new here. I feel in the minority sometimes with the way that my...
Hether8 profile image


I’ve been taking Apixoban & Alipurinol for nearly 2 years without any undesirabl...
Puzzler46 profile image

In a bit of a panic re notifying DVLA about Afib

I know this topic has been covered before and there are mixed answers! My car i...
PollyDoodle profile image

Apixoban & Alipurinol

Should my husband be taking both Apixoban for AF and Alipurinol for Gout as they...

Gone back to sinus rhythm after 18 months

Hi all i have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy I’ve been in permanent Afib for nearl...
Pinky100 profile image

vision problems

i was wondering if anyone had vision problems when they first got diagnosed with...
jubemmeva profile image

Postural AFIB

Hello there! I was wondering if any of you have ever had episodes of fibrillati...
Lien-Ju profile image

Return of the Duck - Revenge of the Beak

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears ............ not literally as tha...
Ducky2003 profile image

Nose beefs

I wrote a post on May after having 4 nose bleeds after being on Riveroxiban for ...
Koladog profile image

Ablation for a 78 yom

I am a 78 Tom. Healthy other than cardio issues of afib. In 2017 I had an abla...
Idahohorse profile image


Sorry I asked a question but put the wrong tablet. My question is can you take N...
Junoesque profile image

What a day …. Icd fired 24 times .. ablation for atrial flutter,now getting pvi done Monday

Was taken off flecanide and bisoprol on Sunday to prepare for pvi on Tuesday… Mo...
Green-chair profile image

Taking Apixaban

Does anyone know if you can take apixaban as a PIP? Has anyone tried it? If so h...
Junoesque profile image

Blood patches on skin

Has anyone had bleeds into the skin with Apixaban. I have patches of these ln m...
rothwell profile image

AF related or not?

When we have AF we often have complaints that impact our condition, I know I do....
CDreamer profile image

Pulse field technology for ablation

Hi all. Anyone know much about this new technology to treat Af ?
Lenlec profile image

Standard procedures

On a visit to gp, asked if there was a risk of damage to heart due to that amoun...
Lindaj754 profile image

Sparatic bp and hb

Crazy blood pressure and sparatic heartbeat from 60 to 110. Blood pressure at 84...
Marney profile image

Histamines in food

I've been reading about a build up of histamines in the body causing several sym...
Patsywoo profile image


Hi all, I saw a post not long ago about watches that did your steps, calories, h...
Morzine profile image

Pulse spikes

Does anyone else who has a smart watch see spikes in your heart rate of short du...
Jctga profile image


After my most recent Holter I received a letter from the consultant saying that ...
Montsauton profile image