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Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for May 2014

After 3 months of symptoms have finally been diagnosed with PAF and started bisoprolol 2.5 mgs today.

Started with 2-3 episodes a week but over the past 3 weeks have only had 2 episo...
Scorer profile image

Newbies To PAF and pil in a pocket

Hi, I am reading a lot of posts about 'pill in the pocket' is this a new protoco...
Hidden profile image

Discontinue warfarin prior to colonoscopy? No, yes, maybe!

My last colonoscopy 5 years ago was prior to my AF diagnosis , so i was of cours...
jusjay9 profile image
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Ablation on Wednesday

I have my ablation planed for Wednesday at Oxford and although feeling nervous (...
Steve_D profile image

My PVI Experience (yesterday)

Hi I had cryo PVI yesterday morning and just wanted to share my experience, in ...
Paul66 profile image

Consultant today

Hi Had an appointment with consultant today Decided not to have another cardio v...
R1100S1 profile image

Me again its regarding the medication flecanide why is it some of us take it daily and others only take it as pip thanks karen

barnes12 profile image

How often should we take our pulse some seems to take it quite often

barnes12 profile image

Is this normal post ablation behaviour?

I'm 8 days post ablation. For the first 5 days, all was fine, but for the last t...
Therealsue profile image

Waking up Breathless

For the past two weeks I have been waking up in the night and also very early in...
Enjoy profile image

Anyone have any adverse symptoms using Rivaroxabam

michaelegan profile image

My (Yesterday) question re. ablation success. I would just like to say that, as a relative newcomer to this forum, how helpful

& supportive you all are and what a great role the volunteers are playing. It is...
David21 profile image

New stroke information for women

This website updates information on stroke for women including those with AF....
EngMac profile image

Could anyone tell me, when is it necessary to fit a Pacemaker after Ablation .Also what experiences have people had with notifying the DVLA

My GP told me that I would probably need both done very soon after my initial di...
Bucc4 profile image

Totally gutted, after psyching myself up, the anaesthetist refused to do it due to my having a cold, said it would be too dangerous

As infection could transfer to heart or lungs. Have to wait for another date for...
SuzieA profile image

What do you do while waiting for Ablation ?

1st ever post regarding my issue !!!I am sat here in limbo with intermittent che...

Converting from Warfarin to Rivaroxaban

My GP said stop Warfarin for two days then start the Rivaroxaban. My last INR wa...
scooty profile image

Hi...after a successful cardioversion in November 2013 it's back urrgh!!!......I have been in AF again for 3 weeks now. Fortunately my heart

is not as high as last time when I was admitted for 5 days,but never the less se...
abihel profile image

Sat in my room waiting for the anaesthetist to come, ablation day today. Fingers crossed all goes well.

Sooo nervous!
SuzieA profile image

There are allot of posts re. ablation & I am getting the impression that ablation very often does not work i.e problems continue or a 2nd

ablation is needed. Are there any statistics detailing the success rate of this ...
David21 profile image

Morning after the night before.......

I have PAF and take Prodaxa And Sotalol. When I go out in the evening pub or par...
Hidden profile image

Definately a bad hair day today!

Well, today is the first day that the whole A.F. thing has well and truly got un...
dedeottie profile image

Increased heart rate 3 months after ablation

Hi all. I had a successful catheter ablation in February. Following it, I no lon...
Lizzo profile image

Aspirin article I. Yesterday's daily mail

Did anyone else read it? Thought it was a persuasive article....
CDreamer profile image

Vagal non-arrhythmia

This is just an observation about what I assume is vagal arrhythmia. Without d...
Hidden profile image

Warfarin dose Sorry to bother you with this, but could I just ask...........

Just had my post ablation INR done and it was 3. When I had my ablation done la...
Therealsue profile image

Pre op

Well, that's my pre op completed. Bloods, ECG, X-ray, INR at 2.5 and chat with t...
MammaCass profile image

Has anyone had flecainide dose reduced after an AF free period?

I am on 100mg twice a day, have only had one episode in the three years I've be...
Bagrat profile image

Should I be on a anti-coagulant?

I keep reading on here everyone is on a walfarin or similar. No doc has mention...
BattyMumma profile image

All that is fast with the heart in not necessarily afib

A few weeks ago I woke up to find my heart racing at 150 beats per minute. I rec...
LakesLad profile image