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Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for August 2017

Eventually had consultation with EP and got a bit of a shock.

Well folks saw EP at Papworth this Tuesday. As some of you will know I went pr...
cassie46 profile image

First visit to the cardiologist

I wasn't in there long. The summary of my consultation as follows: He recommen...
Mejulie69 profile image

Do I need a referral to an EP

I am 49 from UK. I have had paroxysmal lone AF for 7 years, only 3 events in thi...
patchworkcat profile image
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Camera up nose and down throat, do I need to stop Apixaban

Has anyone on the forum had this done and did you have to stop anticoagulant? I...
gemsmum profile image

Note to self - follow you ur own advice....

Forgot as had workmen in house and ran upstairs to answer query as soon as I fin...
CDreamer profile image

2 weeks post ablation

For the last few days I have been up and about walking and also done a bike ride...
Bauldy profile image

Tooth Extraction on Apixaban

My father-in-law, 92, is on 2.5 x 2 Apixaban/day. He's due to have a tooth remov...
Hidden profile image

Low BP with PAF now

I was diagnosed last November and on Sotalol 80mm and Apixaban twice a day. When...
shorttail profile image

Pacemaker CRT Article

In the spirit of Knowledge is Power - I found the attached very interesting. Sor...
Hidden profile image

Heart rate and walking

Thank you to all who replied to my post about walking briskly/AF. It's been help...
ruskin10 profile image

My AF history

I'm new here (and to any such web exposure!) so I'll do my best at brevity on my...
Hidden profile image

Started my Apixaban

As per the title. Started my apixaban this week in readiness for my 3rd ablation...

Ectopic beats

Hi, I had Cryo abalation for AF march this year which wasn't successful. Repeat...
JDM8109 profile image

AVJ procedure

Hi. I do not know if this post is acceptable or not. But I am full of anxieties ...
Marney profile image

Cough after cryoablation

Hello, I had a cryoablation on the 12 th of June and since one week after I've a...
fra48 profile image

afib and vertigo

Hello, my father has fib and has been experiencing vertigo like symptoms and ext...
lucybe profile image

Aching back and legs at times Arthritis ?

Have had blood tests at Doctors but nothing untoward showed up. Could I have th...
Mike-tyson profile image

AliveCor Kardia Mobile

Hi Went for a review with my cardiologist last week & he has advised me that ...

Heart rate

Hi, We are told regularly, to take at least a 10 to 20 minute walk each day at a...
ruskin10 profile image

AF or ectopics?

I was diagnosed with PAF in January during a visit to A & E after passing out br...
Sambaqui profile image

From the Aussie press this morning

Just to clarify, Ablation is well understood in Oz and can't really be called "b...
creschendo profile image

Aching back and Legs could it be arthritis ??

Can anyone suggest what is causing my lower back and legs to ache quite badly if...
Mike-tyson profile image

new to AF

Hi, am new to whole AF as its not me who has it but my mother. she has had palpi...

Cardiologist and EP

I see both a cardiologist and an EP, one for heart failure and the latter for AF...
bushy2016 profile image

When do beta blocker side effects kick in?

I am trying to manage the terrible fatigue and breathlessness of my Carvedilol b...
akenclark profile image

Arrhythmia following cryogenic ablation

Hi all my background was that I was getting paroxysmal AF on a monthly basis but...
Noxy profile image

I'm back

Went down for my cryoablation at around 1330. Went under general anaesthetic aro...
Zozzy profile image

Woke feeling dithery and shallow breathing.

This morning Ive felt very odd. When I got out of bed I felt a bit dithery, shal...
Valdoot profile image

Ablation tommorrow

Hello. I am to have ablation for afib (again) tommorrow morning on right side. N...
Marney profile image

Patient knows best

Rant warning! I take Digoxin, Bisoprolol, Rivaroxaban and Levothyroxine - the l...
Mrspat profile image