Sorry I asked a question but put the wrong tablet.
My question is can you take Nebivolol as a PIP?
If anyone has tried it how many mg did you take?
Sorry I asked a question but put the wrong tablet.
My question is can you take Nebivolol as a PIP?
If anyone has tried it how many mg did you take?
This is not a drug recommended for PIP. Please speak to your doctor.
No need to apologise for asking a question. We can’t always answer it but ask anyway!
HI Junoesque I take Nebivolol once a day so a regular dose and was told by an EP when an episode started I could take an extra dose as a PIP, I did and found the extra Nebivolol had little effect.
I won't say the dose I took because people and circumstances differ and I am not a doctor and changes in prescribed medication should be discussed with a doctor.
Thank you for your reply
I changed from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol a couple of years ago due to side effects. My cardiologist told me it would be a waste of time taking extra Nebivolol when in AF as I had with Bisoprolol. It just wouldn’t help.
He told me to keep some Bisoprolol to take as a PIP which I do if my AF is fast.
You should check with your cardiologist or EP what is right for you.
I wish my cardiologist was so well informed about the uselessness of Nebivolol for attacks. I am running out of the Bisoprolol that was left over when I swapped.
Yes mine went out of date. I had an email from cardiologist saying that I should use either Bisoprolol of flecainide as a PIP in 2019. I was given flecainide by the GP but it made me feel as if was going to pass out, so no more of them.
A few weeks ago, I rang my surgery and asked for some Bisoprolol quoting the email that they have from 2019. It was hard work because I had to do all of this with a receptionist, as they seem to be in charge now.
I have online access to my records and what the receptionist wrote was a complete joke. She asked me what AF is and also what is a PIP. I was quite enjoying confusing her 🤣. In the end I said to her that I was requesting some medication not giving her medical training.
Fortunately, the doctor who picked it up knows me well and knows of all of my intolerances etc so prescribed no problem.
Try asking your GP for one pack on this basis, if not ring cardiologists secretary and ask that they write to GP. Good luck with it.
Yes thank you. I will do this. Greatly relieved that I may be able to get some relief when having an episode. I get such pain with it. So it stops me going anywhere in case of an episode starting.
I have done both. Cardiologist and GP both said not to mix the two drugs. Next time I see cardiologist I will tell him more forcefully that the Nebivolol just does not work and I am not happy about having a heart rate between 130 and 150 bpm for the length of the attack ( between 8 and 12 hours usually). I have thought of buying some. I have used a very reliable online pharmacy in America for 20 years to get NDT which my husband takes and I have just started on again (impossible to get here in France as all animal meds are banned after a growth hormone scandal several years ago). I could order some Bisoprolol from them next time I do the thyroid order. My cardiologist has never suggested Flecainide and I would be very reluctant to take it . I hate trying new meds as I often react badly since being floxed.
There are other options as a PIP. Flecainide is one. I cannot tolerate it but others use it. GP can’t prescribe this without cardiologist/EP authorising it.
Yes I cannot tolerate Flecainede either. I also had a bad reaction to Bisoprolol but this is before I had a pacemaker installed., so could be different now. I will try anyhow. Thank you again for the information.