Posts - Atrial Fibrillation Support | HealthUnlocked

Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for April 2021

Chest pain/tightness started 3 weeks post-ablation. Should I be concerned?

I (M, 33) had cardiac ablation for ventricular tachycardia (not a-fib, but didn’...
LondonZach profile image

Anyone have any experience of Hawthorn (Cretaegus) for AFib?

About a month ago I started to drink Hawthorn Tea (which is in the Russian Pharm...

Slow pulse

My husband was in hospital for five days and on discharge was told AF. He had ...
Bramley66 profile image
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I am new to this condition and still learning about AF and the many and varied s...
itsatoucher profile image

Edoxaban (Savaysa) gastrointestinal and other side effects

Edoxaban (Savaysa) side effects Hello everyone My beautiful mother (my heart) is...
Blain profile image

A hilarious guide to heart arrythmias For those slow on the uptake, like me, a marcapasso...
Jajarunner profile image

Woo hoo heart surgery 🫀

Asking for anyone’s experience of surgical ablation as opposed to catheter ablat...

Palpitations treatment

I was experiencing heart palpitations for more than 15 years I went for an Echoc...
CARS85 profile image

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who replied to my post it was very helpful. Hopefully i wi...

How long does the effect of having a catheter ablation last?

Hi i have had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation for all most 14 years and during th...
highbury44 profile image

Blood pressure meds and increased heart rate.

I have recently been prescribed lacipidine 4mg for high blood pressure. Howev...
jenna1121949 profile image

Invitation to Surrey ASG Zoom meeting Wednesday 5th May 6.30pm

Dear All, I hope this finds you very well. Dr Subo Emanuel has kindly agreed to ...
rosyG profile image

Not sure what's happening

I don't know if I'm still experiencing Afib, I don't feel at all as I did befor...

Pacemaker, please help!

It looks like I may have to have a pacemaker fitted and to say I am scared is an...


Can anyone tell me about flecainide as I’ve just been prescribed it and I’ve rea...

High Blood pressure with taking Sotalol 80mg 2x a day.

I wake up (as soon as I open my eyes) feeling like I am having a panic attack w...
Cobain60 profile image

And Just As You Think Its Quiet on the Pulse Front..........

Evening chaps and chapesses. Well, here was I, hoping for a quiet event free day...
Ducky2003 profile image

Weight loss after Ablation

Hi had my Ablation 8 weeks ago,had horrible reflux,found my appetite has subside...
Maisiemay13 profile image

Right Heart Catheter - Update

I had my procedure yesterday, did have a bit of discomfort at the start but I th...
Silvasava profile image

Ablation number TWO - excitement all round!

Well, this has been an exciting few days!!!!!! Last Thursday I woke up in Afib f...
Jajarunner profile image

Possible causes of breathlessness

Hello to all I wasn't quite sure which area to post in so here goes,I have COPD...
Festie profile image

Where is safe to buy Valium

Where is the best place to buy diazepam for myself as don’t want to buy from a d...
Cammylad profile image

Has anyone experienced waking up at night with an episode of AF after a nightmare or bad dream? Is there a possible cause and effect?

medication, AF at night, Side effects
Harrythmia profile image

Never Felt So Good

About a year ago I decided to have a Lifestyle Renaissance which included a Heal...
Finlay007 profile image

Strange Kardia readings

Any thoughts? I was sitting and reading quietly when I felt a bit faint and naus...
Cara95 profile image

Constant Ectopics. How to live.

Hello again. Recap - I’m 54, female, had PAF for 15 years with episodes down to ...

Persistent AF

I have suffered with PAF for years and was offered an ablation 6 years ago. I d...
cicek profile image

Technology and Drama

Howdy all. Hope all good with you fine folk. I didn't get to post an update yest...
Ducky2003 profile image

Charity concerned that new NICE guideline published today will delay diagnosis of AF

Today the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published the...
TracyAdmin profile image


This article came in my Healthline newsletter this morning, it's full of informa...
goldey profile image