Hi Guys,
New to this forum but have 7 years tackling & experimenting with nutrition for Hashimotos.
With a keen background in nutrition I was determined to address it with this and avoid any thyroid drug interaction if possible.
My antibodies were as high as 3500 at worst and are now 528 and dropping. My TSH has been as high as 4.8 but is now 1.2. Both free T4 & T3 are in the accepted health range now.
During this time I had good access to available testing every 3 months so any changes were then easy to track back to nutritional changes I'd made.
Without going through all the compounds I've tried during these years and there were many, the ones I now take on a daily basis are as follows:
Totally avoid gluten foods where possible including liquids (ie. beer)
Hi Dose Vitamin / Mineral & Trace element supplement. (USANA)
Hi Dose magnesium (varied types) - 1000 mg / day (divided doses)
Hi Dose Vitamin D3 - 20,000iu / day. (originally on 10,000 iu but results better on 20K)
Vitamin K2 (mk7) - 200mcg daily
Vit B3 - 500 mg daily
Zinc - (varied types) - 50 mg daily
Quercetin dihydrate - 600 mg daily for 6 months - (now on 300 mg daily)
NAC - 750 mg daily
Selenium (methionine form) - 350 mcg daily
Aloe Vera Gel - 50 mls daily (on empty stomach)
Inositol - 600 mg daily
Ashwagandha - 300 mg daily
Every second day - Ginger 500 mg, tumeric 600 mg, GSE 450 mg
Iodine - 12 mg (Lugols's 5% soln.) - WEEKLY.
Black seed & oil / Flax oil mix & kefir is used with a gluten free cereal for breakfast.
It sounds like quite a process but once underway it flows quite well.
I now feel better consistently than any time in the past 7 years and can play sport
and do whatever I like.
Hope this may help someone.
Regards, Steve