Hi everyone! Would really appreciate your thoughts on my last blood tests. I asked GP to look into everything they could and I'm glad they promptly tested me.
FBC is normal (unless there's anything that should be optimal).
FSH doesn't show any signs of perimenopause.
TSH, FT4 and FT3 have increased a bit compared to my last test in March this year.
Sugar levels normal
Vitamins could be slightly better, but I honestly don't think it's what is causing me the symptoms I'm experiencing. Was waiting for the results to decide which supplement to start with.
Basically I feel very lethargic, headaches, cognitively very slow (brain fog) and very achy most days and have two days of energy and insomnia. Have strangely put weight on while breastfeeding in the past 2 years.
In 30 years being a hypothyroid, I've never felt great, but I'm not coping anymore feeling so bad. Today I feel great, but feel anxious that tomorrow I won't be. I cannot leave bed before 9 ish and need to be fit to look after my 2 year-old daughter.
Will see an NHS Endocrinologist face to face next week. He listens and seems to be very knowledgeable. But I need someone to try helping to guess what's wrong with me. I always feel better off levothyroxine, perhaps too much T4 is causing the symptoms or T3 is not going everywhere it should? Sorry it's a long text! Thank you!
Serum follicle stimulating hormone level 2.6 u/L - FSH Reference ranges :Follicular ref.ranges:FSH:3.5 - 12.5 IU/LOvulation phase ref.range:FSH:4.7 - 21.5 IU/LLuteal phase ref.range:FSH:1.7 - 7.7 IU/LPost-menopausal range :FSH:25.8 - 134.8 IU/LImmunoassay tests
Serum TSH level 1.5 mu/L [0.27 - 4.2]
Serum free T4 level 20.9 pmol/L [12.0 - 22.0]
Serum free triiodothyronine level 5.0 pmol/L [3.1 - 6.8]
Pathology Investigations Blood haematinic levels
Serum vitamin B12 level 477 ng/L [197.0 - 771.0]
Serum folate level 4.5 ug/L [3.0 - 20.0]
Serum ferritin level 56 ug/L [13.0 - 150.0]
Serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 52.3 nmol/L; NB:Reference comments altered to advise treatment.<25 nmol/L : Vit D deficiency, requiring replacement25-50 nmol/L : Vit D insufficiency, consider replacement50-150 nmol/L : Adequate Vitamin D status.
Chemistry Tests
Serum calcium level 2.40 mmol/L [2.25 - 2.55]
Serum albumin level 48 g/L [35.0 - 50.0]
Serum adjusted calcium concentration 2.28 mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6]
Serum alkaline phosphatase level 48 iu/L [30.0 - 130.0]