Managed to get results from December, I noticed Vitamin D has not been done although the Gp said it would be & the only results for Thyroid I have put First although I had taken my 50 mg levothyroxine that morning .I had not been on this site before & did not know what was recommended . I am taking one tablet of 210 mg daily iron tablet prescribed by Gp since she got my results. I was about to book blood tests from Medicheck , can you advise me on which tests are best going on these results & what to ask my Gp for . It’s a long list so may have to add an extra post
Serum TSH 2.0mu/l 0.27-4-20
Serum Ferritin 9ug/L 13 - 150
Vitamin B12 212pmol/L 145-569
Serum Folate 15.7 nmol/L 8.8-60.8
Haemoglobin 108 g/L. 120-150
Total white cell count 8.10 10*9/L 4.00-10.00
Platelet count 437 10*9/L 150-410
Haeomatocrit 0.344 0.360-0.460
Red blood cell count 3.94 10* 12/L. 3.80-4.80
Mean Corpuscular Volume 87.3 Fl 83.0- 101.0
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin 27-4 pg 27.0-32.0
= = Hb. Conc 314 g/L 315-345
Neutrophil Count 6.20 10* 9/L 2.00-7.00
Lymphocyte Count 0.98 10* 9/L 1.00-3.00
Monocyte Count 0.60 10* 9/L 0.20-1.00
Eosinophils Count 0.26 10* 9/L 0.02 0.50
Basophils Count 0.06 10* 9/L 0.00 - 0.10
Sorry it’s so long , would like any advice as to what I need testing