I’ve just got my most recent blood test results. Sorry for the long post.
TPO 94.8 (<34)
TgAb 492 (<115)
TSH 3.17 (0.27-4.2)
Free T3 5.17 (3.1-6.8)
Free Thyroxine 16.2 (12-22)
Ferritin 19.9 (13-150)
Folate 6.42 (>3.89)
B12 69.0 (>37.5)
Vitamin D 19.2 (50-175)
I was also tested for coeliac disease but done with my gp.
Anti-IgA TTG was 0.6 (0.0-10.0)
IgA 2.85 (0.80-2.80)
So, I know my vitamin D is low and my ferritin is on its way. I’m not currently medicated for Hashimoto’s but I’m wondering whether should sort out my vitamin deficiencies before I pursue? What do you think? My TSH seems to be dropping as it was 3.95 last time and 4.95 back in June.
Also, I had a slightly over range IgA and my GP was very dismissive about it but I would appreciate a second opinion.
It might also be worth mentioning that I suffer with chronic pelvic pain and digestive issues that my GP thinks is IBS (hence the coeliac test). I’m in the process of tests for that.
I’m still so confused about all my symptoms, this has all been going on for well over a year and I have very few answers. Luckily I don’t have to go out to work because there’s no way I could hold down a job at the moment. I honestly admire all of you that carry on in your lives with a chronic illness, it can be so debilitating. I want to start Uni at the end of the year so really want to sort my health out. Any advice is welcome. Thank you ❤️
Edited to show ranges. Also, this was a home finger prick test as my blood test done with my gp was a nightmare! They couldn’t find any veins, so ended up going through my wrist (I’m not very good at having blood taken 😬) so a lot of it couldn’t be tested that’s why there’s a mix of results.