Was on 100mcg levothyroxine, 5 days a week and 125mcg 2days a week. Recently my brain fog has cleared up after vitamin D booster. But still having chronic fatigue symptoms (delayed exhaustion after minor activity). My latest results (30th March 2016) are:
TSH 1.7 - (0.27-4.2)
Free T4 - 18.1 (10.5-24.5)
Free T3 - 5.1 (3.1-6.8)
I convinced my GP to up my dose to 125mcg, he was worried that i might overdose, but agreed subject to a blood test in 4-6 weeks time.
He also said he would refer me to a CFS clinic, but he had to rule out depression and coeliac disease. So he is referring me to a psychologist (for the depression) and told me to get my blood tested for coeliac. The thing is i have been on a gluten free diet for the last 2 years which has considerably helped with IBS and fatigue. So, i would have to take gluten for 6 weeks prior to the blood test, for an accurate result. I guess i will have to do this (i could cheat and not have the gluten and the result will come out negative!) so at least i will know whether or not i am coeliac.
My questions:
1. Do you think increasing my Levo to 125mcg is too risky in light of my recent thyroid results?
2. Any advise on diet and nutrition whilst on the gluten consumption for 6 weeks (i know i will suffer greatly with IBS and Fatigue). It might turn out that the CFS clinic is rubbish (although it is meant to be a holistic multi disciplinary apporach to CFS) after 6 weeks of pain. So is this route worth it?!
3. My alternative plan if i don't do the coeliac test is to go on high supplements as recommended by DR Myhill's website which includes optimum supplements for CFS, and start excercising very very gradually.
Isn't this journey to recovery so confusing!
Any advice greatly appreciated! Thanks