Would welcome your thoughts on my latest TSH and whether my sluggish, low energy, weight gain, constant bloated stomach, brain fog, bad short term memory and fungal rash on breasts-Is it all hypo symptoms or B12 deficiency masked by the taking of PPI Omaprazole for hiatus hernia and acid reflux. Is the PPI causing mis-absorption of vitamins and minerals?? All in all feel pretty rubbish at the moment, even my acid reflux is really bad during the night, but no doubt the sudden weight gain has caused this...
The weight gain is all on my stomach from under my breasts down- with a 8.5 months pregnant look on top of skinny legs. Some weight gain on back and my face has gone rounded!
Started with tinnitus about the same time as the hypo diagnosed- but still have it- did think it was better when I was on 75mcg but cant be sure, now on 50 due to my TSH dropping to 0.01.
Also had calf cramp nearly every morning for the last few weeks.
Have been on PPI, Beta blockers for migraines and astrovastatin that was 8.3 chl, now 4.2 with the statin.
Family history of HYPO -mum, aunt, sister. (P.S sister's GP says she would like her TSH at just below 1)
My Folate was 9.7 in 2014 but now 4.5, but told "is within range so normal...."
Ashamed to say it- but have a hoarding problem, want to sort all the piles of stuff and papers but cant seem to get my head round it all...cant make the decision and don't want to throw things away unless they are rubbish..
Eventually diagnosed with Hypo over a year ago, and was on 25, then 50 then 75 Levo. Results of TSH were 0.01 so put me down to 50 Levo, which I have been on for the last 4-5 months.
Previously tested negative for coleic and TPO,
VitD "really low" -was 24 @ Mar 2019-)so on 6 weekly dose, now on monthly top up, then to buy my own- any recommendations?
Feeling so bad went to GP- did full bloods (he wouldn't do Vit D again and only TSH "as that is the only one that counts"
(Taking the advice from the forum my bloods were drawn at 9am, didn't take the levo till after the test and was only drank water and no food before it)
The results just in-The results say borderline- speak to GP-so will be speaking on Monday
Urea and electrolytes
Serum sodium level 143 mmol/L [133.0 - 146.0]
Serum potassium level 4.5 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.3]
Serum urea level 5.6 mmol/L [2.5 - 7.8]
Serum creatinine level 76 umol/L [45.0 - 84.0]
Bone profile
Serum calcium level 2.22 mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6]
Serum inorganic phosphate level 1.22 mmol/L [0.8 - 1.5]
Serum alkaline phosphatase level 92 IU/L [30.0 - 130.0]
Serum albumin level 42 g/L [35.0 - 50.0]
Serum adjusted calcium concentration 2.28 mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6]
Serum total protein level 67 g/L [60.0 - 80.0]
Liver function tests
Serum alanine aminotransferase level 25 U/L [0.0 - 34.0]
Serum total bilirubin level 7 umol/L [< 21.0]
Serum C reactive protein level 4 mg/L [0.0 - 5.0] Serum vitamin B12 level 965 ng/L [197.0 - 771.0] Above high reference limit Interpretation of haematinics: tinyurl.com/BiochemInfo
eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres 74 mL/min/1.73 m*2
Serum ferritin level 62 ug/L [30.0 - 150.0]
Serum folate level 4.5 ug/L [> 3.9]
Fasting sample preferred. Recent folate or high dose biotin intake may mask deficiency.
Serum TSH level 3.8 mU/L [0.27 - 4.2]
Aim for TSH towards the bottom of the reference range for T4
replacement in primary hypothyroidism, targeting to around 1.0mU/L for symptomatic patients.
Advice on requesting and interpreting TFTs on Lab Med website Refer to tinyurl.com/BiochemInfo for further information