Hi everyone,
For the last month I have started to feel rubbish, I get very stressed for silly reasons, sleeping not good again, or though very tired all the time, headaches most days, my joints wow very painful ! Palpitations, tinnitus is really bad at the moment, tight chested, forgetful And to top it all I have put on 7 kgs in 5 months! My eating has not changed, still reasonably healthy, and I walk every day between 1 to 2 hours. So I decided to get my bloods done at the doctors which she says are all normal ! I disagree as in France my TSH was always kept below 1.00 and T 4 around 14 please find below my results
Value Range
TSH 1.09 0.30-4.20 mU/l
FT4 21 10.60-23.20 pmol/L
FT3 4.4 3.10-6.80 pmol/L
Anti-CCP antibodies < 0.5 0.00-2.90 U/ml
Vit D 101 >50 nmol/L
B12 627 197.00-771.00 ng/L
Folate 6 3.90-26.80 ug/l
Ferritin. 193 13.00-300.00 ug/l
Serum Iron. 10.6 10.00-30.00 umol/L
Serum C reactive protein. 2. 0.00-5.00 mg/L
I am taking 125 mg L-Thyroxin Henning , ( which I’m told I can’t have here) have no thyroid total thyroïdectomie over 10 years ago due to nodules no cancer. Have high cholesterol since op, and no I refuse any statins! Am over 55 menapausal women
Any thoughts is the doctor right? If so why do I feel so rough ?