Hello everyone,
Based upon my clinical symptoms I suspect that I have undiagnosed hypothyroidism. I asked my GP for blood tests and was dismayed to be advised this week that the results below are 'normal', and that no further action is necessary:
My results are as follows:
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs. - 1 U/ml - (0.00 - 150.00U/ml)
Anti-TPO Antibodies - 6U/ml - (0.00 - 150.00U/ml)
Serum TSH Level - 1.1 mlU/L - (0.30 - 5.50mlU/L)
Serum free T4 level - 12.3 pmol/L - (9.00 - 25.00 pmol/L)
Serum ferritin - 86 ug/L - (20.00 - 300.00ug/L)
My Vitamin B12/Folate/Vitamin D are all above the 'normal' range due to supplementation.
I would very much appreciate your opinions/feedback/advice.