Hi. I have accidentally lost 2 posts.
I tried thrioyd meds but unfortunately after 2.5.months, my muscles felt taut /tight in my back & my legs walking was getting quite painful, so stopped meds.
Having not been to Dr's since feb 2017,
March this year I phoned the dr's & requested having some blood tests done.
March 2018.
Tsh 3.9. (0.10. 5.00)
Ferritin 84. (10.00 .300.00)
B12. 914. (200.00. .900.00)
Folate 4. 7 (3.00. 12.00)
Vit d. 75. 2. No range
I phoned the dr's again in June of this year, due to very severe leg cramps. ( both legs at same time) plus severe nightmares, I had been having for fews months, this was now happening most evening.
June blood tests.
Tsh 3.6. (
Ft4. 15. (8.00. 19.00)
Ferritin 67. (10.00.300.00)
B12. 835. (200.00. 900.00)
Folate. 5.6. (3. 00. 12.00)
Vit D. 65.8. (50.00. 150.00)
What I don't understand I have vit d on prescription for the past 5yrs of colecalciferol iu 800 taken daily, but my levels are going down. (in June. 2016. vit d was 92.7.)
Also why is the tsh going lower when taking no medication.
Supplements I take k2 mk7, super b complex, magnesium, vit c, & zinc ( trying tonic water for leg cramps)
Any advice much appreciated