Hi i am new to this forum, and am looking for some advice about my blood test results.
I am male aged 49, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2003 and take insulin to control this.
Have suffered with anxiety/ depression since i was a teenager and been on various meds for this throughout the years, not taking anything at the moment
In recent years i been struggling to control my blood pressure and taking a number of medications to do this. Had some side effects taking Doxasosin and am seeing a cardiologist to try and change to something else. i get BP spikes.
Have recently been diagnosed with Barrets Esophagus due to Acid reflux problems
I have been experiencing Erectile Dysfunction and loss of libido in the last 10 years
I have also (without changing my diet) put on at least 2 stone in weight in the last 3 years, am constantly fatigued and suffer with insomnia. My head is foggy and have a problem with concentration most of the time.
i have blood tests every 3 months for my diabetes, which usually includes a TSH test, which always shows as being in the normal range, so my GP never flags up a Thyroid problem.
After a bit of google research, i decided to have a Full Thyroid Blood test privately, to rule out any other problems, as i discovered that a TSH test alone doesn't give the full picture.
My results are:
TSH 2.62 mIU/L
Free Thyroxine 17.2 pmol/L
Total Thyroxine (T4) 82.5 nmol/L
Free T3 4.59 pmol/L
Reverse T3 21 ng/dL
Reverse T3 Ratio 14.23
Thyroglobulin Antibody 14.8 IU/mL
Thyroid Perioxidase Antibodies 33.3 IU/mL
Active B12 68.6 pmol/L
Folate (serum) 0.8 ug/L
25 OH Vitamin D 19.3 nmol/L
CRP - High Sensitivity 1.9 mg/L
Ferritin 134 ug/L
Now i am told that my rT3 is high and my ratio is out of range, my vitiamin D is low and my folate is also low. i am starting to take supplements for the Vitamin D and folate
Do the other results suggest i am suffering with an underactive Thyroid? If so, what is the best possible course for action? do i see my GP and get referred to an Endo or do i see a Holistic physician to try to remedy this?
Thanks for reading my incredibly long post, and hope somebody can give me some good advice
kindest regards