Hello, I know this is a very knowledgeable site and I would really welcome your thoughts on my results. Thyroid disorder found 18m ago from blood drawn because of severe hives due to low DAO (the enzyme which breaks down histamine). Lack of the enzyme resolved by taking DAO (Histame capsules) before meals and working to repair my gut. Stopped prescribed antihistamine (Zirtec) with the help of the DAO. I went strictly gluten free, soy free, eat as organic as possible and avoid processed. Still have some gut inflammation - a work in progress. I use coconut oil to eat and cook. Symptoms I went to the specialist for were not just severe hives - I also had poor balance when walking, benign positional vertigo, poor mental focus, tiredness, blurred vision, ringing ears, acid reflux. Those symptoms cleared quickly after I saw a nutritionist and made diet changes. I no longer need DAO supplements but am careful not to eat very high histamine foods. My weight has been stable for 2 years.
I am still monitored for subclinical hypothyroidism by endo and GP despite feeling well. Results below are through my functional nutritionist Optimal ref ranges provided (endo and GP refuse other than FT4 and TSH).
Endo only interested in TSH high level. I don't want to start on levothyroxine unless I understand all this better and weigh up the pros and cons.
Endo is not interested in antibodies but I am!!! TPOAb resolved to optimal after I went GF. Am now considering going dairy free to see if TgAb will reduce any if I cut out casein. I can find very little literature on TgAb. I use HRT patches and wondered if Estrogen is blocking uptake of T3 but my Dr says there's no connection. Has anyone brought down TgAb by diet or is levothyroxine the only way?? Thank you for reading all this. Wishing you well!
TSH = 5.23 [1.30-2.00]
FT3 = 4.80 [4.61-5.38]
FT4 = 14.40 [12.87-19.30]
Total T3 = 1.60 [1.39-2.59]
Total T4 = 90.90 [77.22-153.15]
T3 uptake = 26% [ 27-35]
TPO Abs = 12 iU/L. [0-34]
Tg Abs = 544 iU/L. [0-115]
RT3 = 0.55ng/ml. [0.36-0.90]
Free Thyroxine Index (T7) = 1.83 Index [1.70-4.60]
D(25-OH) = 109.32 [125-225]
B12 = 562.20 pmol/L [332.01-590.24]
Folate = 28.99 nmol/L [33.99-56.65]
DHEA-S = 3.05 umol/L [7.42-10.80]
ESR = 20.00 mm/hr [3.00-10.00]
Fe Serum= 16.40 umol/L [15.22-23.27]
Ferritin = 84.00ng/ml [30-70]
% Transferrin saturation 26.40 [20-35]
I supplement with D3 and Selenium also B12. Have been taking Iodide for some months as an iodine loading test by the nutritionist showed a very low level.