As part of my blood test results my Ferritin is exceptional high
344. ug/L. 13.00- 150.00
Iron 19.53. ug/L. 6.60-26.00
B12. 272. pmo1/L. 140.00-724.00
Medicheck reckon this is ok
25 OH Vitamin D. 73.4. nmol/L. 50.00. -200.00
Folate. 15.75. Ug/L 2.91-50.00
Alkaline Phosphate
133. IU/L. 35.00-104
Alanine Transferase
39.5 IU/L 10.00-35.00
Medichecks say this is high and to check in 2 months. (none drinker)
TSH 3.57 mIU/L. 0.27-4.29
Medichecks say it's ok..... Back in May the TSH. Was 1.93 (With same company) at present I'm taking Thyroid S 1/2 grain.
Antibodies nice and low back in May.
The Medichecks team have advised me to stop dietary intake of Iron or taking supplements to exclude iron overload.
I don't take a multivitamin.....the vitamins I take are all separate ones.... I wonder if the high Ferritin is the reason for my massive HAIR loss since February!
Also my Diabetes levels are high
(HBA1. 75.00. mmo1/mo1. 20.00 -42.00. Insulin. 29.94. mIU/L 2.60-24.90
HIGH. CRP. 11.4. mg/1. 0.00-5-00
Medicheck advised me to have this re-done in 2 months and suggested I take the the Diabetes medication.
This has been high for the last 7 years. When I've checked my levels.....But the Dr has ignored it saying it might be cold or something
Cholesterol Status is excellent, and always has been.
In the past I have refused to accept that I have diabetes, as I felt it was due to my TSH levels fluctuating over the last 5/6 years. Because the test at the surgery always came up out of range.
Hashimotis been the main culprit... so I went gluten and dairy free ( and feel a lot better. Except my hair no weight)
Can anyone advise please....I do not know which Vitamins contain Iron. I don't eat liver.