I have retested with medicheck because I'm in the queue to see a private endocrinologist about my symptoms. I was hoping that treating my vitamins and minerals may give a different thyroid hormone picture.
Iron 239ug/L (range 30-150)
I am under haematology, treated for iron deficiency anaemia. Tested quarterly, it was last tested 29th March 2023 and it had risen slightly to 183ug/L (range 10-291) 61%. I have iron infusions when my ferritin gets low (last Oct 2022) because I cannot tolerate iron tabs so *I only take spatone 10mg per day* to maintain and tranexamic acid for heavy periods. I can't understand how this is so high! I will contact my Dr about it.
VitD 64nmol/L (range 50-250)
I’m disappointed it’s still so low. I’ve been religiously taking 2000iu daily since 1st January 2023 and there's no increase, it was 66 nmol/L (30 - 500) 7.7%. Should I double the dose?
B12 68pmol/L (37.5-188)
This is worse than in January 2023 when it was 386 nmol/L (range 211 - 911) 25%.I’ve been taking igennus Super B Complex daily which has450mcgof B12(except in week before blood test). I’ve recently gone up to 2 tablets per day (900mcg B12). I had a horrible reaction to Thorpe. Aha I just spotted medicheck measure is pmol/L and nhs is nmol/L so maybe this is ok?
Thyroid hormones
Pretty much the same results as I’ve been getting for two years.
Past results for info
15th December 2022
TSH 0.32 mIU/L (0.35 - 5.5) -0.6%
Free T4 (fT4) 15.3 pmol/L (10.5 - 21) 45.7%
4th January 2023, TSH retested with T4, T3, vits and minerals
TSH 0.59mIU/L (0.35 - 5.5) 4.7%
Free T4 (fT4) 14.4 pmol/L (10.5 - 21) 37.1%
Free T3 (fT3) 5.0 pmol/L (3.5 - 6.5) 50.0%
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) <28 IU/mL (≤ 60)
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) <0.10 IU/L (<0.56)
Vitamin B12 386 nmol/L (211 - 911) 25.0%
Vitamin D3 66 nmol/L (30 - 500) 7.7%
Folate 16.93 (>4.12)serum iron 14 umol/L (9 - 30.4) 23.4%
Ferritin 176.6ug/L(10-291) 59.3%
29 March 2023 (quarterly nhs iron panel)
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 4 mg/L (0 - 9) 44.4%
Serum iron 19.1 ug/L (9 - 30.4) 47.2%
Ferritin 183 ug/L (10 - 291) 61.6%