After being diagnosed borderline hypo , getting horrendous symptoms, and after a lot of faffing about back and forward from the GP and insisting on referral to an Endo, I started taking 25mg levo in July, then upped to 50mg from Sept on advice of Endo and he said to have a further blood test 3 months from starting meds..I took a list for the nurse at this blood test in November of what I Free T4 Free T3 etc etc , I have just collected the results from the GP's which only give my TSH Level and not the breakdown of thyroid function test....Arrrrgh ! Looks like the labs did not do the full range of so frustrated as I have been waiting impatiently to post my results on here so I know whether I need to stay at 50 mg or up it now has to be the doctor who authorises another blood test ( he is off for a few weeks) but the receptionist has emailed asking him if we can re-test. Why is this all so difficult ? What I don't understand is that after seeing the Endo in Sept, he told me to up levo to 50mg and said he was signing me off back to the doctor. Why do they do that when it is still early days of taking meds...or before he has seen that I am on the right dose and feeling better? So it looks like I will be waiting a few more weeks before I can get re-tested but in the meantime I feel like I am getting bigger by the day, still can't sleep properly and most of the symptoms I started with are still there, although not quite as bad as they were....according to the Endo, the levo would at least halt if not stop the weight gain but it seems to be the opposite is happening. I have still been taking all my supplements since starting the levo and the test results are that I have way too much vitamin B so I will post what results I did get back today and any advice would be really helpful ( I realise there may be no point posting results until I get the thyroid function test done again , but could someone let me know if I should be just stopping the vitamin B supplements in the meantime ? Thanks so much for any replies.
Serum TSH level -2. Normal 1.58mIU/L 0.30 - 3.94mIU/L
Serum ferritin 134 ug/L 13.00 - 150.00ug/L
Serum vitamin B12 1489 ng/L 191.00 - 663.00ng/L
Serum folate 15.6 ug/L 4.60 - 18.7ug/L
The vitamins I am taking are :
Vitamin C 1000mg daily
Selenium 200 ug daily
Methyl B-12 5000 micrograms daily
Vit D3 10,000 iu daily
Cod liver oil capsule daily
Glucosamine sulphate 500mg daily
High potency probiotic daily