Hello all
So, a year or so later, I'm STILL struggling to get diagnosed with Hashimoto's and stop my hair falling out
My latest results:
TSH 1.50 (0.35-3.5)
T4 14 (8.0-21)
Ferritin 41 (down from 49 in Jan!) 23-300
They didn't test my antibodies (doh!)
but they were 78.4 in Jan
I have been taking Nutrithyroid for months and felt so much better.
However, my hair has drastically thinned, so much so that there is hardly anything in the crown and huge patches around the parting the hair itself has got so fine and thin and I am devastated, used to have a thick thick mane of glossy hair, now just wispy shreds
I've asked for another B12 and D3 test and the antibodies again
Can anyone help? should I be on a trial of Thyroxine now? will my hair ever grow back? Or is the hair related to something else? should I be seeing a dermatologist?
My energy is so much better can get through the day and exercise, although still a stone heavier than I'd like to be
The doc's have said categorically I do not have Hashimotos and that a lot of people in the general population have raised antibodies are are fine!
I've got the name of a private Endo who has said she will see me without a referral so have written to Doc's informing them that if they aren't happy to trial me on thryoid meds, then I'll see the private doc and take it from there
I'm gluten and dairy free btw... and yes feel much better, eat loads of protein and take SHED LOADS of supplements
Biotin, high strength
2 x 1000 evening primrose oil
multi vit
Iron (floradix)
Yet have struggled to get anywhere with my levels of anything