May this year, confirmed goitre with small nodules. Started on Eltroxin 25mcg/day.
Ab 728.00 (range<116)
TPO Ab 41.57 (range <35)
Free T3 4.5 (3.1 - 6.6)
Free T4 10.7 (10 - 17.7)
TSH 3.21 (0.53 - 5.27)
ESR 35 (range 0 -14)
Latest Bloods (Ranges as mentioned above) no real change in goitre, but thankfully only noticeable because I know its there. Dosage upped to 50mcg/day
Ab 620
TPO Ab 38.46
Free T3 4.81
Free T4 12.14
TSH 1.54
B12 232.32 (range 156 - 698.00)
Vit D 45 (range 50 - 200)
Folate (serum) 10.5 (range 4.6 - 18.7)
Red Cell Folate 526 (range 158 - 1099)
Ferritin 20 (range 7 - 14)
Feedback please on where she lies within the ranges.
We see an immunologist as no paediatric Endo in Dubai and we disagreed about supplementing especially over B12 as I thought her level should be higher and he disagreed as claimed I was confusing Hashi's with Hypo?? We also disagreed over an iodine test but relented and will be tested in her next bloods.
Her GP suggested Iron supplement but only ever 3 days, immunologist disagreed and told me to stop until her next bloods in 8 weeks, so have stopped?
She now takes, (on top of her 50mcg), Vit D, 50,0000/week for 8 weeks. Daily Vit C, selenium, magnesium and probiotics. Any other supplements to recommend?
She is very sluggish and lethargic and carries out her life at a snails pace without much enthusiasm for anything, but at 13 you don't know if its anything to do with the above or being a teenager or both? She has put on 6.6kg in 5 months but had a small growing spurt over the summer.
I would also like advice on this comment from the immunologist - as she has Hashimoto's she will always have high AB and TPO Ab and the thyroid meds won't alter this?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.