Hello, I'm new on here and looking for a little advice (hopefully I'm not wasting anyone's time or asking a stupid question). I was placed on 25mcg of Levothyroxine toward the end of 2011 for an underactive thyroid. I didn't feel well with the medication and in Jan 2012 was put on 50mcg and still didn't feel well. In about May 2012 I saw another GP in the surgery who told me that I did not have a thyroid problem and that I should stop the medication. I still had symptoms but was glad, at that time, to stop the medication (i didn't know much about thyroid conditions at this time). The GP referred to me an endocrinologist in September 2012 and after tests said that I was Euthyroid. I sitll have symptoms of weight gain, hair thinning on head, legs, pubic area, eyebrows balding in the middle, fatigue, bouts of constipation etc. After finding this sight and doing research I went back to the GP's who ran some blood tests - he, again, told me that I do not have a thyroid issue. I also managed to have a look at some of my older tests and noticed that in 2011 my TSH was 4.11 (0.35-5.50) and in June 2012 TSH was 3.16, Free T4 13.3 (9.0-22.7). My latest test as of end of March is TSH 1.87 (0.35-5.50), Free T4 14.2 (9.0-22.7), Free T3 4.8 (3.5-6.5). I'm confused that my TSH levels have gone down and seem to have levelled. I have got it convinced in my head that I have a thyroid issue but now I questioning that and wondering if it something else completely. Is it possible that the thyroid can heal itself?? Or does it look like I may still have thyroid condition? Or did I never have a thyroid problem?? I have posted my results below. Sorry for the long question - thank you in advance for any responses/advice/thoughts. P.s. I should add that my ferritin is 105 (10-291), vitamin D 60 but do not have the range, serum FSH and LH seem in normal range and told that I am not pre-menapausal.
Latest results (March 2014)
TSH 1.87 (0.35-5.50)
Free T4 14.2 (9.0-22.7)
Free T3 4.8 (3.5-6.5)
Sept 2012 results
TSH 1.90 (0.35-5.50)
Free T4 15.1 (9.0-22.7)
June 2012 results
TSH 3.16 (0.35-5.50)
Free T4 13.3 (9.0-22.7)
2011 result (don't know the month)
TSH 4.11 (0.35-5.50)
Thanks again.