Posts - IBS Network | HealthUnlocked

IBS Network

47,991 members15,762 posts

All posts for June 2024

relentless bowel movements

hello, I have posted on this platform before and I appreciate the feedback I hav...
GKT1969 profile image

Questran for Bile Acid Malabsorption

Does anyone know an alternative medication for Questran as there is now unavaila...
laurajn087 profile image

Buscopan works for me

I find buscopan works when I’m having a flare up. I too get the constant need to...
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New but familiar

Hello, I was diagnosed with IBS in 2018. My symptoms were abdominal pain with d...
Hidden profile image


I took one dulcolax last night at about 10pm. I had 3 bowel movements in the spa...
HI1237 profile image

IBS ok with daily loperamide

Male, for the Last 4 years have suffered from IBS -D ( mainly diarrhoea )diagnos...
Kestrel66 profile image

Feels like blocked guts: excruciating. Anyone else experience this

I get this quite a lot, material with a lot of pressure builds up inside and can...
XDjames profile image

What am I doing wrong!

Well you know me ! only on here when I am in a pickle !! am boy I am in that pic...
Shopnow1 profile image


Taken Senna, Fybogel and Laxido and haven’t had any bowel movements. I’ve seen p...
HI1237 profile image


Recently told that my ongoing digestive issues are down to IBS although I do not...
Edensky profile image

alflorex question

I take Alflorex when I’m starting with a flare up and for a few days it helps. A...
binks profile image

does IBS cause nausea? And why?

I’ve recently been a little more nauseous than lately it’s happened twice this w...

Fybogel and Laxido

I’ve been badly constipated for about a week now , have gone to the toilet on an...
HI1237 profile image

Ibs ruining my life

I have had ibs for the last couple years and found recently it's flaring up a he...
Cakelower123 profile image

surely no more - - -

wonderful supportive group, I contacted you with my chronic constipation, really...

Bone and joint pain

I was diagnosed at the start of the year with IBS. Since around March I've start...
KCIEM profile image

Stool results - lots of HIGH markers

Hi all, I had a stool sample tested in 2023 for signs of contribution to hyperth...
Zudukk profile image

Cold sweats and nausea

Hello.Is it common to suffer from cold sweats, nausea and really chest pains whi...
Julie182 profile image

IBSC and BAM???

Most people with BAM have IBSD. I have IBSC No doctors or gastroenterologist can...

urinary issues

Does anyone suffer from urinary issues during flare up ?
Lubomire99 profile image

Acidex vs Gaviscon

What are people's opinion about which is best, I was swapped over to Acidex orig...
Doggie123-UK profile image


Haven't been diagnosed with ibs yet but everything is pointing towards this bein...
Cleof profile image

Recently "diagnosed" - not feeling good

Hi. For the last few months I've had worsening abdominal cramp, and now backache...


has anyone with IBS seen a gastroenterologist and had good results? I plan on sc...

IBS…is it by food or mental health?

As someone who is suffering from IBS and is wanting to recover. How do I as a pe...

Left side pain

Hi looking for a bit of advice please. I've had left side pain for 3 days now of...
L1zz1362 profile image

Feeling rough!

Hi, I’m really suffering this evening with so much pain and discomfort and inter...
JulieB5200 profile image

IBS Question

this is a very small and weird question but does anyone else’s IBS seem to be a ...

Laxatives that don't cause nausea?

Hello I am suffering from constipation and just wondering what laxatives are lea...

Tenesmus - Urgency

Anyone out there struggling with tenesmus? Been experiencing urgency for 3 month...
yakodik profile image

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