I was diagnosed with IBS just over a month ago. My condition was triggered by a 6 week bout of gastro-enteritis. A colonoscopy provided entirely normal biopsies and a couple of benign polyps were removed. I was also diagnosed with diverticulosis.
My condition is very mild when compared to some of the suffering I see in this community. I am fortunately without pain - Just the "morning rush" sometimes diarrhoea, sometimes not.
But in recent days I've noticed a new effect and I wonder if anyone else has the same experience:
What I'm experiencing is waves of mild nausea - not enough to cause vomiting - but lasting around one hour usually very early in the morning - say from 4am to 5am or 5am to 6am. Then it goes away and I can turn over and go back to sleep.
Anyone else experience this or do you think I should go back and ask the gastro-enterologist about it?