I started using Lepicol 1week ago and I thought I`d give my first impression. I`m an IBS D sufferer of many years normally using Imodium and Buscopan to control things but over the last 6 months or so symptoms have got significantly worse. Anyway, about Lepicol. I started on 1 spoonful twice per day but within 2 days I upped this to 3 spoonfuls 2 or 3 times a day taken 30 mins before meals. It certainly has made my stool less loose but as yet doesn`t seem to have had much effect on frequency of visits or feelings of urgency and continual discomfort. I know it`s too early to make a decision on what it will do in the longer term, so I`m prepared to keep going with it for the time being, the makers recommend at least a month. I`ll blog an update next week.
On another product; I`ve just seen ad for Silicol Gel and I`ve emailed the makers for more info.
I think I will also be looking at the Low Foodmap diet but I`m unsure if I should be starting too many things at the one time.
Thoughts on any of the above will be appreciated.