Experiences with
Healthy eating6,818 public posts
Wavering between diets?
I'm sure there's already been loads of debate here about what kind of diet is best and I have my own opinions, based on research and personal experience, but when I choose my approach to weight loss, I really struggle to stick with a program without easily swayed by someone else's ideas and I can end
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Good morning everyone
The gales have passed on and I have rescued my wheelie bins from the street.
I took part in an NHS piece of research. Had to have blood taken, and measurements were done of height, weight, etc.:
Good news: their scales weighed a pound less than mine, even with my clothes on.
Not so good news: I
40 day Low carb meal plan (pdf)
When I started my NO!vember challenge reducing carbs I came across this
Dinner: Chicken Souvlaki and Low Carb. Greek Peach Yogurt: 8-22-24
This is what I had tonight for dinner with a low carb. Greek Peach yogurt. It had 30 carbs. and 22 grams of protein in the chicken souvlaki. The entire meal was delicious and had 35 total carbs. for the meal.
What did you have for dinner tonight?
Self sabotage
I’ve just started reading posts again after years off. Someone said something negative on a thread & I couldn’t face opening myself up to more of the same.
I find that every time I start to make progress, I shoot myself in the foot. If I lived alone, I could just not have stuff in the house. As it is
5 Kidney-Friendly Recipes for Healthy Holiday Eating
Learn more at: https://www.kidney.org/news-stories/5-kidney-friendly-recipes-healthy-holiday-eating