First dose down first IV chemo first port use and it was largely uneventful. My doc has a very elaborate pre-med strategy that may be why. Last night I had to take five steroid pills (four night before next dose, then 3 etc). Took a Claritin and a Pepcid this morning. Drinking 2 glasses of water with L Glutamine powder per day every day. Claritin and Pepcid daily too. Pre-med IV was Benedry, Pepcid, and Zofran drips. I hour Taxol drip. Onward we go!
First dose of Taxol in the books - SHARE Metastatic ...
First dose of Taxol in the books

What a great attitude! Which I'm sure will help you get through it! Not sure if "congrats" is the right sentiment (!), but "congratulations!".
Praying the treatment stays uneventful & rids your body of the cancer! ❤️🙏❤️
Great Attitude, good luck 🙏😊
you got this👍! and yes, A+ on the Attitude! sending hugs....carole xo
This is good! I loved being on taxol which I was for a year. Pretty easily tolerated.Once I realized i was not allergic, she eliminated the steroid,which I’m not a fan of taking. Although mine was given IV as a premed. Felt much better off steroid! It was a good run. Good luck with yours. Consider taking an B excellent b vitamin B and 200 mgs of b6 to help prevent nerve damage. Split B6 in two dosages.And , of course, Ice in feet and hands 30 mins before infusing taxol itself. If you do nit have already, I suggest Amazon for the socks and gloves.
hi blms. i too was on Taxol in 2013. however, i was given the steroid as one more anti-nausea told to me by the 'teaching' nurse. interesting that you were given as an anti-allergy med. well perhaps it is given for both!?!i too tolerated taxol well (i had red devil first so this was a relief in comparison) except towards the end i started with the neuropathy. but back then, no one was using ice to their hands and feet....or not that i was aware of. what a great idea! and the vitamin B is great advice as well. i did not do that either. once again, no one mentioned. and back then, i was just on auto-pilot and doing what they told me. at present, i would be doing my own 'research' and seeking you!
carole xo
Yes Carol,I too had full dose Taxol in 1998 along with A/c
The new dosing for where I am was half the amount and I did not have the issues with this second time as I did with first.
I have no idea what premed they gave me back then. Now zophran IV along with the others.
And yes no one mentioned ice then.
That was a different ball game. I do nit like steroids because the cause too many potential problems themselves. Also, I had zero nausea from taxol
hi again blms. thanks for explanation....the taxol sounds a bit 'gentler' now. good to hear! i didn't care for the steroids first they would make me 'edgy' and then i would 'crash and burn' to speak. carole xo
Thanks for sharing this. It’s good to know others experiences to be prepared for when / if the time comes. I really hope you get a good run on this treatment without to many side effects. Let us know how you get on. Take care.
So happy it felt ‘uneventful’, and love the fact your onc had an elaborate plan - it’s important to feel that the people that have our lives in their hands (literally) have this attitude. I know positivity is in the mind, but it’s a good thing - blubbering ain’t gonna change a thing and will only give us squinty eyes & a puffy face, not to mention the stress 😉 All the best & may this treatment be kind to your body & last for a long time.
Best wishes to you that this treatment is very successful and that the pre-med protocol works well to keep side effects at bay. Keep up the great attitude. Sending hugs to you.
So glad it was an easy run. What is your cycle? I hope this treatment lasts a long time and is always seamless.
For those that live in the states, good news is the trail I’ve been watching for past year was just released from stagec3,trials a week ago! The most promising right now on market. No idea what criteria is for treatment . My onco is looking into what she can do to get me started in near future as it might be my last. This is the low HER2 . Study surprised them that hormonal positive MBC reacted so well. It is now considered better than any other standard of care if you are in that category., in regards to giving us more time. It us a combo of two drugs, one of which is herceptin. .
Unfortunately ladies, I be am extremely weak and nit functional today at all.So I barely have enough energy to hold my phone will be in bed. I can’t look up right now.
But if you research Liw HER2 trial or new Med you should find something. Yesterday I looked and the new Med And does not seem to be written up online yet. When I saw my doctor last week she told me to just come up the week before out of trial end of the market. She was looking to see how she could get that approved sorry to hear you are having such a rough day. my heart goes out to you. i hope tomorrow is a bit better! sending hugs.....carole xo
Thanks. Certain my time is short now, hiw shirt only GOD knows but I will endure to the endI love you all my sisters. It has meant so very much to me to have had this communication with all of you. Dint know if I’ll get to new treatment or not, but if I do, I’ll keep you all infirmed
oh Bonnie....i am holding you in my heart❤️. you are a winner, having gone through many years of soldiering on despite the odds. i do not like the words of fighting and was/is never a fair fight to begin with and in the end, mother nature gets her way. we will all face that eventually. and it is okay to let go when you have had enough. i do believe in positivity but also a realist. you have my upmost respect. whatever the outcome, i wish for you peace and comfort and lots of love from me/us and most importantly....your loving family. please rest up. tomorrow will be here soon and i personally will be thinking of you! sending you a huge hug! love, carole xo🙏
I agree with you on positivity! I was born with a positive attitude. And I believe strongly in meditation and visuals. Now I’m wearing down at 72 and 25 years of Bc. So whatever it is , is. I’m okay with it
you are a strong woman! and yes, POSITIVE. i hope my previous reply did not offend in any way...not my intention. i support you and wish you only the best! maybe i went a little overboard and over-stepped. sometimes so difficult to convey your thoughts via texting. but you did touch my heart. i sincerely hope tomorrow is a better day! xoxo
Trust me I do not offend that easily and no explanation necessary! I am Italian from Philadelphia. Not too much gets me, I’m a tough cookie who has always been. The energizer bunny who coukd run circles around everyone young and old. Plus looked at least 10 years younger than my age. Now I’mShriveled, bald and weigh about 95 on a good day. I sincerely do not care what I look like anymore, which is weird because I used to be a flight attendant and was into hair, makeup , clothes, shoes, etc. still way too many clothes to give away. But fortunately two of my children have women that can wear most things I own and are thrilled to get them! So that is great!
That’s the most difficult challenge for me to ask others to help me with anything! I did everything for everyone and it is my journey to learn to receive , not easy but getting better. I’m working really hard at that. And I actually ate something for dinner! Not much but all the same!
Thanks for rhiugful redponse
Bonnie, hoping today is a better one for you. Your postings are always so encouraging and helpful. I generally am a regular "reader" and not posting a lot but just wanted you to know you're one I always look for in the posts. I'm a few years older than you but only half the time on this breast cancer roller coaster. I think our age does give us a little more equanimity about our situation. I'm sending you love, kind thoughts and hopefully energy to enjoy this beautiful spring day by day. Many positive thoughts from Tennessee.
Low HEr2 for hormonal MBC
Thank you for your Taxol information. It is most appreciated since I start my Taxol on April 1-no fooling.
And many hugs & prayers to Bonnie.