Can I use an e cig or am I just gonna undo all the hard work
Hi all new to this I have been on champix for... - Quit Support
Hi all new to this I have been on champix for about 4 wks and haven't had a cig for 2 wks but am really starting to struggle can I use an e

I would try and avoid using anything else if you can possibly manage it. I stopped with champix but then probably about 5 weeks in started on nicotine lozenges, 8 months on and I've just been out today for yet more lozenges. I may have stopped smoking but I'm still a nicotine addict. Having said that someone at work stopped same time as me using champix and nothing else and she's still stopped.
Thanks for replying I'm gonna try and not but its so hard been a real struggle thus week
I know, but if you can somehow hang in there it will be worth it. Trying to get off NRT is like stopping smoking all over again, you really don't want to go down that road it's like long drawn out torture There are others on here who have gone cold turkey, they'll help you, as using champix on it's own is pretty much the same.

Hi Gainsy26,
First of all can I just congratulate you on reaching 2 weeks of being smokefree
Champix is a really good therapy to use and the sooner you stop smoking (which you already have), or using any nicotine, the better it will work for you.
I would recommend that you ride this feeling out and not use an e-cigarette. It is very likely that it is more a psychological craving rather than a physical (although I am sure it may feel like!), especially if you have been smoking for a number of years.
How about you make a note of the time of craving and how exactly it left you feeling? Maybe even make a note of what you were doing beforehand. This will enable you to notice what it is that might be triggering this feeling within you.
The next time you notice a craving, it shouldn't be as bad. You may also notice a longer time period in between each one. Although with using Champix, you should eventually find that the cravings aren't half as bad as if you were to use any other form of therapy without any planning or preparation.
How you are feeling at the moment is pretty normal and given time, it will get better.
It really is important that you make a promise to yourself and don't give in, not even by having 'just that one puff'.
Remember the NOPE rule:
You are doing fantastic so keep up the good efforts and maybe read through and practise some of our breathing exercises.
Have a look through the following post, I think you might find it quite interesting and it will also help you understand the journey of stopping smoking
Nobody said it would be easy, but everyone says that it is worth it.
Well done for coming so far, you are doing really well
Hi Gainsy and welcome to our community.
Congratulations on getting to 2 weeks off the cigs. You need to stay strong and ride out the cravings - just tell yourself that you don't smoke any more when the cravings hit and maybe go and shout them away when they come. Watch where you are when you do that though as you don't want to be carted away. Best thing to do is come and join in the daily chat, that helps to focus and we all help each other on there. Good luck, Andi
2 weeks off cigarettes is great going, well done and keep going! The nicotine monster has died and I think the cravings you get are more psychological but you can do it, you've already shown you can not smoke so as Andi says ride out the cravings when they hit and before you know it you will have completed a month. Every day will get easier. Hang in there! Hugs
Thanks for all the support did have a wobble yesterday but got through it x
Hiya,ur doing really well,im on champix for the 3rd time because i gave in and had that one,occupy yourself the felling will pass gd luck,im 2 wks smoke free too just think of all the hard work u have already done n think do i really want to go thru that all again im just raking each day at a time x

Hey Gainsy, how are you doing now? Give us a shout and let us know how the rest of your month has gone

gday gainsy. good job 2 weeks.but if ya gonna recomend nicabate lozenges.yeah its nicotene.but a million times better thans sucking on another filthy cig.hang in there

My daughter stopped after using champix for 2 weeks but then the cravings set in she went,out and bought a ecig but used the smallest amount of nic 6mg she has now stopped all tog and after 8 weeks on 6mg she went to 0 mg on the ecig this really helped her.