Any advice?
I stopped 4 weeks ago after 25 years of at le... - Quit Support
I stopped 4 weeks ago after 25 years of at least 20 a day. I am using an ecig, which has been great but I have a really dry tickly cough

Hi pinkbeth... Great name
I am on the ecig too, been 4 weeks for me too and I have had a bit of a cough but assume it is my lungs starting to try and get rid of the gunk from all my years of puffing. Not really a dry cough mine though. Em jay will be along soon hopefully and she will give you the low down.but we'll done for 4 weeks and please join in the chat etc it's great to have folk who are all in the same boat x
Hi Pinkbeth
I'm not using an ecig but I have quit cold turkey for 7 weeks now. A few weeks ago I got this horrible wooly feeling in the back of my throat. It is still there some of the time. I reckon this is the cilia re growth (little hairs that were destroyed when you smoked that have now grown back). Does your dry cough feel a bit like wool hair stuck in your throat?
People have said on this forum that you can get a cough and that all the muck in your lungs starts to come out. But everyone is different and that's not been my experience and I smoked for 42 years. Now I know this is going to sound nasty but this site is about helping right? When I get up I the morning I get nasty brown phlegm when I brush my teeth but I don't cough. My gums have been bleeding quite badly but this is improving. I really hope that the brown phlegm continues as I want all that muck out NOW!
I don't know if this has helped or not but there are lots of people on here that will tell you some weird side effects of quitting. You may have some others to come yet but just think about it as healing up and keep up the good work. Stay strong
Hi Al
I get spots in my mouth that bleed now rather than all over. One day it will be around one tooth and another day it will be on the other side of my mouth. I have started only using my electric toothbrush on gentle and only in the morning. At night I use the corsodyl toothpaste and use a manual brush. It has seemed to help quite a lot.
A few weeks ago I used my 'air' flossing tool. Have you seen those? They squirt mouthwash between your teeth. It was like a blood bath! I nearly fainted, it was 'horrible.
Back to work tomorrow and I get the results of my chest X-ray back next week sometime. I think it was ok because they only took one image and said I could leave.

Hi Tiantian that is interesting about the dose possibly being too high and drinking plenty. Thanks x

I am on the highest dose so it may be time to lower it a touch
thank you very much for all your replies

Excuse my dimness but what is vg and pg?

Hi PinkBeth, welcome aboard to our Quit Support online stop smoking community
You've been given some really good advice so far regarding your dry cough, however if it does carry on for more than 2-3 weeks and you are concerned about it - please don't be shy from visiting your GP and getting it checked out. It's worth the visit just to let your Doctor know that he/she can update your records to say that you are now a non-smoker
Let me know your quit date and I'll add you onto our Wall of Winners - the place where every quitter is a winner I'll also award you your 4 week Winner's Badge too
Tiantian, same as above - let me know your quit date etc thanks for the tips on the use of the e-cigs - I didn't know that a dry cough was related. Can I just ask; what is VG and PG?
Thanks Ann and Al, thanks for the good tips above too

Its one you put the liquid in, its from VapeHQ
hi pink beth I have been on the ecig for 4 months just like you a constant dry cough, mine was hard to manage because I also have copd , first thing I tried was lots of water it worked well it broke up the nasty stuff what I discovered a couple weeks ago was I didn't need the strong amount of nicotine I went from 21 down to 8 and no cough hardly at all
my quit date is oct.26 2014 the day I went in the hospital with copd, also the next day was my oldest son's b dayam on the e cig but have downgraded from 21mg to 8

i havent yet got to the coughing stage yet (only been three days) but im feeling run down and get really hot moments, i hopeing this is just a way that my body is getting back to normal. great advise tho from everyone.