Last weekend I couldn't get out of bed as I had extreme dizziness. I stopped the Champix 5 days ago but I still have dizziness although not as bad. Is this normal?
Hi, I started taking Champix 4 weeks ago and ... - Quit Support
Hi, I started taking Champix 4 weeks ago and had my last ciggy 2 and a half weeks ago. I have had to stop taking the Champix though.

Hi ya Critter A big welcome to this lovely quit support site.
I've took champix, and it just mainly made me feel tired but I can remember having a couple of short dizzy spells. I think maybe you ought to go see your GP, just to be on the safe side and tell them you have been using champix.
Champix is very good, but I know it dosnt suit everybody.
Just wondering, are you still quit if so, then perhaps you could try another NRT to help you
I hope to speak soon, Pete
Hi Quitter Critter, as Pete say Champix doesn't suit everyone, however, at least it seems to have got you over the first few weeks and you have stayed quit. If the tablets don't suit you then best thing is to do what you have and stop taking them. If the dizziness doesn't stop I suggest you see your GP as it may be something else, best to get it checked out.
Let us know how you get on and well done you for quitting and becoming smokefree.

hey critter. i was heavy smoker.27 weeks clean. tried stopping bout 7 times last 4 years. and every single time when i stopped i got massive dizzy spells.especialy when trying cold turkey. i found nicabates ntr helped. but yeah dont panic. google search dizziness when quit ciggis. youll be suprised how many ppl cop the same thing. it does go. i started walking and heaps of water. it helps. but my dizzi spell light head ect lasted bout 6 to 8 weeks and had only ever happend when i stop cigs cheers
Many more side effects with Champix. Some people say the side effects may be from bodies reaction to drug withdrawal? For example